Thursday, December 21, 2023

There Were No Things Done

I did a thing yesterday.  I did a thing the day before yesterday.  After two days in a row of thing doing, I decided today was a day to do no things.   Thus, no thing doing was done today. 

Well, except for this thing:

Yep, I finally finished that Irish Hiking Scarf variation that I've been working on for right at two years now.  For reals.  I looked back through the blog and found I'd cast it on December 19, 2021.  Funny thing, that....

But it's done now, and I won a serious game of yarn chicken at that. 

Then I put that scrap of yarn on my cat's head, only when I tried to take it off, she hissed at me, so she spent a good deal of time walking around the back yard with a piece of yarn on her head. 

I got the scarf and matching hat

washed and dried, then I wrapped them up for Brennan's birthday -- which was the 12th, but I already told Cody her gift would be late.  At this point, I might as well save it for when they come get their Christmas gifts.  I'm still not sure exactly when that will be.  Cody will probably let me know when they're about 10 minutes from getting here.   He does that, you know. 

While all that knitting was going on, I watched A Christmas Story Christmas -- the one about Ralphie all grown up.  I found it lacked the charm and originality of the first one, but it was still a good movie, and well worth watching.   Then I watched Elf.  That's one of those movies everyone seems to love, but I think it's kind of meh.  I'll watch it every few years, but it's not one of my must-watch movies.  

Here's a fun thing.  I found on Tubi (free streaming app) an old 1910 silent movie version of A Christmas Carol.  Yes, you read that right.  1910.  All I could think about was how my dad would have loved to see it.   That was his favorite Christmas story -- besides the real Christmas story, I mean -- and made it his mission to collect every movie version ever made.  In this modern age, when so many versions have been re-discovered and made available via streaming, he'd have been in hog heaven. 

Now I'm watching the George C. Scott version of A Christmas Carol, also on Tubi, which has ads, but is better than dealing with my temperamental DVD player.  Oh, it plays the discs just fine, but the drawer doesn't want to slide in and out, so you have to fiddle with it a bit.  It's annoying, and I probably ought to replace it, but I don't really watch DVDs enough justify spending the money on a new one. Really, old Christmas shows are about all I use it for as it is.   

Speaking of Christmas, I got two cards in the mail today!

They made my day!  Really, I was starting to feel a bit like Charlie Brown, constantly checking the mail for cards that never came.  I do so enjoy sending cards, and I like getting them, too.  That's something I wish would make a comeback, but with the price of stamps spiraling out of control, a lot of people can't really afford it any more.    Someone in one of my FB groups suggested making Christmas stamps half price, which would encourage people to send more cards, but I don't think that would work, because people would really stock up and use the stamps all year round.  Maybe they could sell pre-paid Christmas cards at the post office, with postage included.  That might work.  But the government would never go for it.  They're going to wring every penny out of us that they can.

OK, now for the moment you've all been waiting for.  Today's advent update is a wise man. 

And the scripture is:  When they saw that the star had stopped, they were overwhelmed with joy.  Matthew 2:10

But wait, there's more!  Since today is the winter solstice, also known in some areas as Midwinter, here is a bonus song for you.

That's it for today.  I'm off to watch Scrooge get saved.  



Amnicon Studio said...

After doing things for a few days in a row you deserve a break.

The Irish hiking scarf is one of my favorite scarf patterns. Too funny on the timing.

Your kitty and the yarn reminded me of a time I put a towel over Furby's head. She hated it SO much! She was trying so hard to get it off.

I see my card made it!

This year I received less cards than I did the previous two years. Yup, totally get it. Postage is high.

I'm in a hunting group on FB and they did a thing for sending Christmas cards. One lady said she was sending out a batch and it was 200 cards! I think they may also be doing a recipe exchange in the cards. Incredible!

Amnicon Studio said...

Ob, I forgot to mention that I haven't watched any Christmas movies this year. Not even A Christmas Story. I LOVE that movie and haven't watched the new one.

I've never seen Elf either. Just looks like something I wouldn't really care for.