Saturday, December 30, 2023

Fourth Time

You know what they say, the fourth time is the charm.  

What?  The THIRD time?  Are you sure?  

Whatever.  Man, is it even knitting if you don't rip and re-cast on at least three times?  That is exactly what happened with this little bit of scarf.  

 I cast on, then decided it wasn't wide enough.  

The pattern was written way back when super long, super skinny scarves were all the rage, and knit to the original pattern using the Trekking yarn, a scarf will be about 4" wide and about 8' long.    Now, I do like the long scarves so I can wrap them several times, but I'm over the whole skinny scarf thing.  

So, I ripped and cast on again.  Then decided it still wasn't wide enough, so I ripped and cast on again again.  I got about four pattern repeats done and decided...yep, you guessed it.  Still not wide enough.  I ripped a third time and cast on a fourth.  

The result of that fourth cast on is what you see above.  Cat included for scale.  And because she wouldn't move her butt out of my chair.  But mostly for scale. 

Of course, it's pretty easy to widen this scarf.  It's just a multiple of 6 plus two.  

That's about all I did today, other than watching football and beginning to take down the Christmas decorations.  I'll probably leave the tree up until Monday, but everything else is pretty much already down -- or will be by the end of today.  

Well, packed up in boxes at least.  I may wait until tomorrow to haul it all out to the shed.  

And finally, I don't know what was wrong with me last night.  I couldn't sleep, but it wasn't like normal insomnia either.  This time I just wasn't sleepy.  I don't know if I had too much caffeine too late in the day or what.  Whatever, as I was laying there in the bed somewhere along about 2:30 in the blessed A.M, I suddenly remembered I'd forgotten to renew my driver's license last month. 

Oops.  Fortunately, Mississippi is pretty forgiving about this.  You just have to pay a $1 late fee, and that's what I did when I got online and renewed it this morning. 

Heh, one time when I first moved here, I drove with an expired license for a year, because I was expecting to get a reminder like I did in every other state I've had a driver's license in.  But Mississippi doesn't send reminders.  You just have to remember -- or to check your expiration date every once in a while.

Oh well, at least I'm legal again.  Or I will be when my new license gets here sometime next week.  


Amnicon Studio said...

On someone's youtube videos they were talking about "blanket scarfs." A new thing? I'm not tuned in to what's hip and cool in the knitting community. I like the idea of a big comfy scarf. I'd hate to knit it, that would take forever.

My son recently got a notice in the mail to renew his license. He was not thrilled at how much it costs. Now that he's an "adult" and has all the bills now, he's not too happy. I think it's hilarious.

Becky G said...

I had to google blanket scarves. I actually have one, but I've never heard it called that before.

I remember one time when my son tried to convince me that high school was soooo much harder than having a job. Now that he's an adult, I still giggle about that.

Amnicon Studio said...

This is a *real* fun age right now. So ready to be the adult, until he has to do the adult things.

Re: the blanket scarfs, I'm really tempted to try my hand at something woven. I'd need to figure out how to make a pattern. I only know plain weave.