Wednesday, December 27, 2023


Today was another one of those do-nothing kind of days.  I slept in until 7:00 AM, and shortly after that, my friend sent me a photo of the Spain's parking lot.  She said that's when she always goes, and it's always nearly empty.  I guess I'm going to have to set my alarm and go in that early tomorrow.  I'll let you know how that goes. 

I need to start getting used to getting up early again anyway.  

My main task today was to start washing up all the Christmas containers and putting them away, but besides that, I didn't do anything -- other than finishing Silo on Apple TV, and knitting another hat. 

Silo was pretty good, barring the plethora of obscene language, and as far as I can remember, it's pretty faithful to the book.  I mean, it's been 11 years since I've read those books.  Now, I'm watching  Percy Jackson And The Olympians on Disney +.  Again, it's been 9 years since I read them, but the show seems to be pretty faithful to the books.  I think making a series instead of a movie means they can add more detail. 

While I was doing all that TV watching, I wrote a letter to my Australian pen pal -- which I still need to finish so I can get it into the mail tomorrow.  Speaking of mail, I got two more Christmas cards today.  One was dated December 19, and the other was dated December 20th.  And my friend Peggy told me she finally received the one I'd mailed back in November.  I knew I wasn't going crazy!  Only now she's going to get two from me...

In other news,  I thought I'd decorate some of the cut out cookies that I'd vacuum sealed and froze last year, but I didn't get around to it.   However, as I was getting the cookie icing down from the top shelf of the pantry, I found these kits I'd gotten on clearance last year and completely forgot that I had. 

I still don't know what I'm going to do with them.  Maybe I'll make cupcakes a bit later on, since neither of them are specifically Christmassy. 

They didn't really have a lot of baking stuff on clearance this year, at least not that I could see.  However, the clearance aisle were pretty much madhouses, so I'll look again when I go back on my regular shopping day.  They might have things a bit more organized by then.  Oh, and I forgot to tell you, I managed to nab an extra string of outside lights, so I can put them along the entire length of my  house next year.  

I don't think I'm going to put the white icicle lights up again.  I've never been completely sold on how that looks combining the white and colored lights.  I'm going to stick with colored lights, since I like them better. 

And finally, Cody mentioned that he's wanting to build up his collection of DVDs since digital content can be unreliable.  I didn't think about it while he was here, but later, I messaged him and reminded him that all these are his.  

The ones on the bottom shelf, that is, from Spirit on over.   I'll probably move them into his bedroom so I'll have more room for the DVDs I'm getting. 

I guess that's it for now, because I really need to get that letter finished.  



Amnicon Studio said...

I didn't go to the few stores in my area the day after Christmas. When I was at walmart on Wednesday, the area that had contained all the Christmas stuff now houses stuff for valentine's. Oh-em-gee! I suppose that will be here before we know it.

Becky G said...

I usually skip that one, then go get the chocolate at half price the next day.

Amnicon Studio said...

Our local Walmart sells out of the stuff almost right away. it's crazy how fast it goes now.