Saturday, January 28, 2023

Dang It! Again...

 There I was, just happily knitting away at my Seaman's watchcap, watching movies and enjoying my day off.

I got this far, 

and started the crown decreases, which just weren't working out.  That's when I realized, I'd only cast on 64 stitches instead of 84. 

Well, dang it!  No wonder it was knitting up so fast. 

Off to the frog pond it went.  Yes, I do realize I could have finished it anyway and made a child's hat out of it, but that's not who I'm knitting for.  I do like the way the yarn was knitting up, though.  It's going to make some nice hats, and I may do some scarves and cowls out of it, too. 

Not much else to talk about today, because I didn't really do much.  No, I did not go out and work on my trail through the woods again.  I did finally put on my new shoes and walk up and down the road a bit.  Not too much, because I need to get them broken in first.  So, unless you want to hear about laundry and washing dishes, that's all I have.


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