Sunday, January 15, 2023

Almost Messed Up

I almost messed up this morning, when I woke up.  

And how did I almost mess up, you ask?  Well, I'll tell you.

I almost turned the alarm back on.  Yes, I almost turned the alarm back on, as I do first thing every Sunday when I wake up.  Then I remembered, I have the day off tomorrow to honor the life of that great Republican Martin Luther King, Jr.  Fortunately, I caught myself just in time, and the alarm stayed off. 

I think I did mess up yesterday when I splurged and built a little fire in my wood box.  It was such a nice frosty morning, and that little fire felt so good.  However, it's even colder this morning, but alas, I'm out of firewood. Because I burned it all yesterday. 

Full disclosure, I'm not completely out of wood.  I have a small stash I'm keeping back just in case the electricity goes out for some reason.  At least I'll be able to keep the house warm that way.  Until I find some more wood I can actually afford.  The people around here are just a bit too proud of their wood.  I saw one guy advertising a face cord for $350, plus a $50 delivery fee!  

My only other options seem to be to buy from the guy who keeps wanting to cut a hole in my fence, or the people who after I asked them five times if they'd accept payment through Paypal, showed up and suddenly decided they wanted cash only -- which would have been fine if they'd said so up front.  As it was, I didn't have any cash.  I finally convinced them to take a check, but they weren't happy about that.  I wasn't either, and never bought from them again. 

In knitting news, I finally pulled this sock back out, and am going to try to get it finished this week.  

I'm past the gusset decreases -- which are my least favorite part -- so it should be home free from here on out.  

The only other thing I've got going on is some Christmas money burning a hole in my pocket.  I want to buy some more sealing wax, despite already having enough to last several years, and stationery despite already having enough to last...well, you get it. I don't know what I'm going to do with it.  But when I do figure it out, I'll be sure to blog about it. 

1 comment:

Amnicon Studio said...

That is stupid expensive for firewood. Yikes!

Christmas money, huh? Yeah, i'm not sure what I'd spend it on either.