Saturday, August 12, 2023

I’m Back

I know! I know! It’s been a while, hasn’t it?   I don't know if it was the heat, or lack of sleep, or general malaise, but I hadn't been feeling too well the last few days.  I was absolutely dragging. 

Wednesday was my last day of my AT&T month, and when I checked my hot spot usage, I had almost half of my data left.   Oh, boy, I can stream something!  Only, I felt so run down I couldn't even bring myself to get up and hook my Roku back up.  I just ended up watching -- whatever it was, I don't even remember-- on my phone as usual. 

Finally, Thursday night I got a halfway decent night's sleep and I feel so much better.  However, I can tell you that during all that bad feelingness, I was still able to knit a headband.

Then I cast on another hat.

I've had to back off of knitting a bit, because my hands have been really sore lately.  I'm not sure if it's from knitting, yard work, or work work, but it's been quite painful.  So, I'm mostly just watching Horrible Histories and playing Cross Stitch World on my Kindle. 

This morning, I got up and mowed early, thinking I could get the job done before it got too hot.  We're in a no-win situation down here in the south, I'm telling you the truth.  Maybe the temps were only in the upper 70s to low 80s, but with the humidity being 90+%, I was still drenched by the time I was done, and I didn't even do the back yard.  With those humidity levels, it's not sweat, it's condensation.  

Whatever it was, as soon as I finished, I came inside and washed it all off in the shower, and spent the rest of the day doing inside chores.  It finally made it up to 100°, but has since cooled off to 94°, but with the 65% humidity, that makes for a heat of 113°.  

Good news!  Walmart finally got some deer corn back in stock, so I was able to fill up my squirrel feeder.  I've still got to find some way to hang my birdfeeder back up, since I pulled the post out of the ground last spring.  It wasn't in but 18" and the spot where it was had gotten so muddy, it was about to fall over anyway.  I'm thinking about getting one of those shepherd's crooks you can stick into the ground, but I'm not completely sold on that idea.  I'm more likely going to wait until it cools off a bit, then just dig a deeper hole for the post I already have.  

And finally, well, this needs no explanation:

See?  It's totally accurate.  And yes, I do do this to mine. 

 Oh, and one more thing, I got sick and tired of the little monster digging her claws into me, so this afternoon, I held her down and trimmed them off.  She didn't like it, but I don't like gouges in my legs, so we're even.  

OK, I'm done here for today.  Laters. 

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