Monday, August 28, 2023


Sweet, blessed rain for nearly four hours yesterday.  The slow, drizzly kind of rain that soaks in, too.  Look!  We even got enough to leave a puddle in my driveway!

I think we got some more today, because there were puddles in the parking lot after work that hadn't been there this morning.  Of course, the downside to that is I'm going to have to mow again, but that's a small price to pay for rain, isn't it?  

Even so, it was a good day to watch TV and knit.  Yesterday, I mean.  Today I was at work. 

I finished a headband, 

then cast on another one, but decided I didn't really want to knit another headband, so I set it aside and cast on a hat instead. 

I like the headbands because they're quick and easy, but knitting hats is really where my heart is.  In fact, I need to go ahead and box some of the ones I've already finished up and send them off to that Seaman's Church Ministry thing, so they'll have them in plenty of time to make up the ditty bags for Christmas.   I just need to find a box.  

By the way, I had to order a new pair of work jeans and that broke my heart!  They've gotten so expensive these days -- just like everything else.  I was going to order two pair, but at that price ($40 each), I'm going to have to spread that purchase out a bit more.  

I just wish they would tell us what's going on out at work.  I keep hearing they're finally going to combine the shifts, and just run one for the foreseeable future.  If they do that, it might help prevent these long shutdowns we keep having, so that'll help quite a lot.  The downside is, I might get moved to the assembly line.  Group Leader Shark came through the department and asked who all could line braze.  Now, the thing is, all of them can except maybe two people, but most of them lied and said they couldn't so they wouldn't get moved. 

 I think they should move them anyway.  I mean, I didn't know how to line braze when they first started making me do it.  I tried to tell them I wasn't trained, and they just said, "Oh, yes you are!"  Seriously?  Do you really think I'm so stupid I don't even know what jobs I've been trained to do?  

Of course they think that.  We're just a bunch of uneducated, inbred, toothless hicks, aren't we?  The thing is, I've never been treated like an idiot by a smart person.  It's always the stupid ones treating me like I'm stupid.  That goes for work, internet, and pretty much anywhere else, for that matter.  

But enough about that...

I don't really mind line brazing.  It's a lot less stressful than sub brazing, but I wouldn't want to do it full time, mainly because the component areas get much more overtime than the assembly areas.  However, since nobody is getting any overtime right now (except sheet metal), I don't suppose it very much matters.  And there is the added bonus that the assembly areas are air conditioned, whereas the component areas aren't.  

And finally, one of the sub-brazers has COVID again.  We were all wondering where she was this morning, and we found out a few hours later when the first aid lady came out and asked where her work area was, mispronouncing her name in the process.  Then she had the cleaning crew come over and disinfect the area.  

"Does she?"  We asked.

"She does," the first aid lady said. 

It makes me wonder, though.  I fell absolutely terrible last week.  I never ran fever or anything, I just felt awful.  I chalked it up to exhaustion from the trip to Missouri combined with heat stress from the plant, but now I'm wondering if that's all it was.  

Eh, it probably was.  Heat exhaustion, I mean.  

I'm sure that's what it was.  

Have I mentioned that I'm so ready for Fall?  

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