Thursday, August 31, 2023


 It finally happened!  

Last night, I was washing dishes and I just happened to glance out my kitchen window.  There were a couple of deer behind the fence, and as I was watching, one of them walked over and drank out of the trough!  

And yes, I got ridiculously excited over that. 

The good news is, my mosquito bits came in today, so I can treat the water in the aforementioned trough.  

It specifically says it's safe for animal troughs and plants, so I can use it in the bucket I collect water for Marty Mac in as well.  

Later that evening, I stepped outside to see the SuperBlueMoon before I went to bed.  I saw it peeking between the trees, but didn't stay up late enough for it to clear the tree line.  It was a work night after all.  But it was still up when I got up for work this morning, so I was able to get a good look at it then.  

Then I had to come back inside because it was ....cold... out there.  OK, it was only 65°, but compared to 107°, that is cold.  

I got ready, then went on in to work and made it through the last day for the week.  What with Monday being a holiday, I've got a four day weekend to look forward to.  I think later today, once it cools off a bit, I'm going to get the mowing taken care of and get that out of the way.  

Oh, and I broke my weedeater.  Not really, but it's broken.  One of the gas lines from the tank to the engine has broken.  It shouldn't been too hard to replace it, but I'm thinking about getting rid of it and getting an electric one.  Mainly because the gas powered one is just so heavy.  I don't know.  I'll think about it and decide before next spring. 

The bad news is, the cat has taken to chewing on the corners of my piano books.  

Which means I have to put them back in the box I've been keeping them in after every practice.  When the books aren't there, she chews on the music rack.  I don't know what's gotten in to her.  It's not like she doesn't have plenty of toys. Plus, she got a whole pack of new toys in the surprise parcel yesterday, and she's thoroughly enjoyed playing with them. 

I guess I'd better get out and start on that yard.  It's been three weeks since I've mowed, so the grass is ---well, it's going to be tough, let's just say.  But I'll have it out of the way for the rest of my long weekend, so there's my motivation.


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