Sunday, December 30, 2018

Almost Over

They say all good things must come to an end, and as this Christmas season is winding down, I went out to the shed and dragged in all my boxes, to start taking down and putting away my decorations.

I know some people leave theirs up until Epiphany, but I always try to have mine down and put away before I have to go back to work.  Which is Wednesday, Jan 2.  Which is also why I'm so depressed. 

Have I ever mentioned how much I hate my job?  Oh, it's not the work I do.  I enjoy brazing.  It appeals to both my creative side and my slightly pyromaniac side.  I like the actual work -- it's the toxic environment in which I have to work that I hate.  I really need to get my resume finished and posted, so maybe I can get out of here. 

But as I was saying, I went out and dragged all the boxes in so I can take my Christmas decorations down.  I'll get started tomorrow.

Baptists don't really make a big deal out of Epiphany, anyway.  I was grown before I'd ever even heard of it -- and even then I'd only heard Three Kings Day.  It was much later before I heard the term Epiphany.  Other than in the context of having a sudden moment of understanding, that is. 

The one bright spot of my day was Beverly and James came through.  They'd spent Christmas in Tennessee with their younger son, and his kids and grandkids.  Poor things, everybody was sick.  All three of the babies -- the one year old and the two newborns --had RSV.  Oh, they're doing well now, but it's a scary thing.  And the one year old has a double ear infection that just won't clear up.  Even all the adults had colds.  They had a good time, but were all miserable at the same time.  Talk about a paradox. 

They were on their way back home, and pulled in last night to spend the night.  I ran up to the hotel this morning and visited them a few minutes before they hit the road for that last leg back to Texas.  I'd already had their gifts shipped to their house, but if I'd known they'd be coming through, I'd have hung on to them and given them in person.  However, this is what they gave me.


In case you can't read the label, it's Premier Wool-Free Sock yarn.  I'm not sure what I'm going to make with it, yet.  I hardly ever knit socks any more, because they wear out so fast.  Maybe I'll do a scarf. 

The other thing they gave me was this shirt.

It was hard to get a picture of it, because Texas is so Shiny. 

Just an FYI, if you ever for any reason want to send me a gift, anything related to Texas or the Navy, that's all you need to know.

After our visit, I ran by the store and picked up some new storage boxes, then sat around looking at them thinking "I really need to start taking my Christmas stuff down", and not taking my Christmas stuff down. 

Eh, I'll do it tomorrow. 

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