Friday, May 17, 2013

I'm Free

My mini vacation has begun! 

I'm off work until next Friday.  

Group Leader Fernando wasn't too happy about it.  He said he knows where I live and was going to make life very unpleasant for me.  I retorted that he already made life very unpleasant and that's why I needed a whole week off.  So there.

I wasn't going to tell him at all.  I was going to let it be a surprise, but he came and asked me if I was going to come to work tomorrow.  I said that I hadn't decided yet.  See, when you have vacation on either Monday or Friday, you get the corresponding Saturday off with no absence counted against you.  So really, it was my choice to go in tomorrow or not. 

But I hadn't decided yet. 

Like I said, I wasn't going to tell Fernando.  I'd told my shift supervisor, because he had to approve my days off, but I was going to let Fernando be surprised.  But Vanessa popped up and said, "You know she'd got vacation Monday, don't you?" 

This being a G rated blog, I can't repeat what Fernando said. 

Let's just say he wasn't happy.  That's when I decided to come clean and tell him that I would be off through Thursday.  That's when he said he was going to make life very unpleasant. That's when... well, you know the rest.

He said he was going to do TP one day, paint one day, eggs...I told him to make sure he got the right house, because he's liable to get shot.  What with all the rednecks in my neighborhood (including yours truly), yeah, that's a real possibility.

And that's when I decided to go ahead and stay home tomorrow. 

I won't just be laying around all week, though.  I've got doctors appointments Monday and Tuesday, and I want to go to the zoo Wednesday or Thursday, but they're predicting rain.  I'll have to keep an eye on the weather. 

And of course, there will be knitting

And there will be Dr. Who,

And probably some Sherlock, as well. 

And all too soon, I'll be getting up and going back to work.  Maybe by then, Fernando will appreciate me a little bit more, and maybe he'll have figured out that I'm not quite the incompetent idiot he seems to think I am. 

But knowing him, probably not. 

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