Thursday, February 21, 2013

Conversations With CoWorkers

There is a reason I don't take signs like this to work:

Consider the actual conversation I had with a coworker today.

Coworker:  Becky, these headers are supposed to have nuts in them.

Me:  You'll have to take them back to tubing [department}.

Coworker:  Huh?

Me:  You'll have to take them back to tubing so they can drill a hole in them for the nut.

Coworker:  What?

Me:  You'll have to take them back to tubing so they can put the nut in them.

Coworker:  What??

Me:  Go show them to [group leader] Fernando.  

So, yeah, if I'd taken that sign in to work, I'm pretty sure I'd have had to spend all day explaining what that little house was.

1 comment:

StephieKnits said...

I have had those days. I don't get them as often now. I don't really miss them either. I guess they won't get pie on March 14th either.