Back to the art lesson...I'm not exactly pleased with the result, but erasing was not allowed. However, according to Ms Garcia, it isn't the quality of the drawing that counts, but the quality of the line--dark and bold. It'll be interesting to see where this one leads...

Oh, just a note about karate--some of you may remember a week or so ago when I posted about the blue belt who'd opened his own dojo. Not to sound like I'm gloating or anything, but two of his three students now attend OUR dojo. They visited once, and decided they wanted to join that same night. They said, "This is the REAL stuff!" And wouldn't you know it, she is already in love with them. Let's see, how many does that make in a year's time...James, Justin, Josh, Brian, Barrett (his being married didn't stop her), Brandon, Twinkie, Chachi, Randy, and now these two, and I have a sneaking suspicion that there's been a little bit of a crush on sensei and Mr Tedder. There is really something wrong with that girl...
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