Tuesday, May 28, 2024

A Different Kind Of Memorial Day

This has been a different kind of Memorial Day weekend, and it all started Sunday night with the National Memorial Day concert, which I never miss.  At the same time, I knew there was a massive weather outbreak going on up North, so after the concert, I turned on Ryan Hall, Y'all on the TV, and Reed Timmer on the computer. 

I was glad that Monday was a holiday so I could stay up for the whole thing, but alas, I didn't make it past 11:30.  I'd already gone to bed and was watching Ryan on my Kindle -- Reed having already ended his livestream -- and I said, "That's it for me," and I turned the stream off and went to sleep.  I woke up the next morning, and it didn't appear that we'd gotten any rain here, but at least we didn't get tornadoes, so that's good.  Even so, there were a lot of warnings issued for Saturday and Sunday. 

These aren't confirmed tornadoes; just warnings which can sometimes be issued when the radar indicates rotation, even though there isn't actually a tornado or even a funnel cloud.  It'll take weeks before they can confirm the number of tornadoes that touched down. 

Monday was a bit of a different kind of Memorial Day, mainly in that I didn't watch my traditional Memorial Day movies.  I have this list that I watch year after year, but for some reason, this year I just wasn't feeling it.  

The only movie I wanted to watch was We Were Soldiers, so I did.  Then I watched Taking Chance, because it needed to be watched.  About halfway through, I got a wild hair and really, really wanted to watch Memphis Belle -- the one with Matthew Modine, Harry Connick Jr., and Sean Astin.  Since I don't have that one in hard copy, I hopped onto Amazon and bought the digital version.  I'm telling you, I'd forgotten how good that movie is.  I'm glad I watched it. 

While I was watching, I finished a washcloth. 

I think I used too tight a gauge, because I used it when I took my shower last night, and it was stiff as a board.  I'm hoping it loosens up after I've washed and dried it a few times.  It's Peaches & Creme in Forest Green, and knit with size 6 needles. 

And of course, you know me.  I had to cast on another hat.  

It is Red Heart Supersaver in Mexicana colorway.  I've knit a hat in this color before, and can do at least two more (counting this one) out of the one skein of yarn I bought. 

All too soon, my weekend was over and it was back to work way too early this morning.  I had to laugh at Demi-god, because he said, "Somebody got my [rolling] table!  Why would they do that?  Everybody's got one!" 

I said, "Just wait until second shift starts back up.  The first thing you'll have to do every single morning is to track down all your stuff!" 

And finally, do you remember at my last physical, my A1-C was a bit high?  The doc said he was going to set me up with a diabetes educator, and later that afternoon someone from Diabetes Solutions called me.  He described the program and said my insurance would cover the cost 100%, so there was absolutely no cost to me. 

I said that sounded great to me, so he enrolled me and about a week later the lady who was going to be my coach called me.  There were a couple o hiccups, but the information packet she was going to send finally arrived and today was to be our first Zoom meeting -- which I wasn't thrilled about, but it is what it is. 

Alas, the very first page was telling me that I would need to sign a consent form to participate in the study.  Wait what?  Nobody told me it was going to be a study!  I thought it was just an online clinic, like Better Help or Doctor On Demand or something like that.  I had no idea it was a study.

I asked my coach if the study was mandatory, because I didn't want to do it.  She said it was in order to receive their services.  I told her that nobody told me it was going to be a study, and if I had known, I'd have never agreed to this.  

She replied that all non-profits are required to submit data in order to show their program is working and to receive funding.  

Wait, again...it's a non-profit?  Nobody told me that either, that it's a non-profit.  And if they're getting funding from somewhere else, why are they charging my insurance?  It all felt very manipulative and kind of creepy, so I said I didn't want to participate, and next time they should be up front about the nature of their organization and all.  

I don't think it would have been a good fit for me anyway, because after perusing the materials they sent, it seems to be very time consuming and intrusive.  What with the way the plant works us like dogs, I doubt I'd have been able to stick with it for the entire two year study -- even if I had wanted to do it.  Which I didn't.  

So, now I've got to find some other resource, and a chewing out from my doctor to look forward to.  

Fun time, fun times. 

1 comment:

Amnicon Studio said...

I got signed up for one of those diabetic programs, too. I found it to be more cumbersome than it was worth.

You can find a lot of things online to help you if you need to start watching your carb intake. I think it's 45 carbs per meal and 15 carbs per snack. Drink your water and do some walking, at the very least :-)