Man, I thought we'd have Loki vanquished from the plant, but after all these years, he's back with his typical Thor's Day Mayhem. Today has been one of those crazy days -- not so much that things were going wrong, but it was just hectic. It would help if we had brazers who would actually work, but of the four new ones they've sent up over the last couple of months, the only one who is worth a flip is Demi-god. I know he's got a bit of an arrogant attitude, but he is a really good worker. The other three, not so much. Not at all, really. One plays on her phone all day, one sits all day, and the other just stands there staring off into space... I doubt any of them do much more than 100 headers per day, which is less than half of what we're supposed to be doing.
By the way, I don't understand how these people play on their phones all day. Even in the break area, I spend most of my lunch break with my phone looking like this:
On a similar note, I got the skinny on the issue with Not Cuz yesterday. I asked one of the brazers who was actually over there where the whole thing went down. She said they thought he was just joking. She told me he'd walked by and asked, "What are y'all doing?"
She said, "We're going home because it's 3:00!"
He said, "Who told you you could go home at 3:00?" and she said, "Group Leader Shark and whoever told her!" Then he said, "Are all the lines where they need to be?" and she replied, "I don't know!"
He went to check in the computer and came back yelling, "Who brazes for lines 1 & 6?" Someone else said, "Everybody!" and that's when he said, "Then everybody has to stay!"
We informed him that he has to give us 24 hours notice, and that's all of the conversation I heard. But the other brazer told me this morning that Not Cuz was saying that he wants each brazer to be assigned to a specific line. Only we've already done that and it didn't work nearly as well as the system we have now -- which is that the first available brazer gets whichever order is needed next.
It may not be perfect, but it works.
Shortly after the shift started, someone started a rumor that they're changing our point system for absences. Given that the source of that rumor isn't the most reliable, all we were doing was wanting some clarification, but nobody seemed to know what was going on. One of the brazers stopped Cuz and asked him, but he tossed such a word salad at her that she asked him, "Are you even listening to what I said?" At least he was honest when he replied, "Not really." He had a meeting to go to, he said.
So another brazer stopped Not Cuz and asked him about the rumored changes, and he got smart with her. "Don't get any points and you won't have to worry about it," he said.
OK, moving right along...we're getting lots of new people out there, some of whom have worked there before. I had got to the reading room, and when I came out, a tall, blond woman was talking to the brazer who works beside me.
As I walked up, the brazer said, "Do you remember her?" meaning the blond woman. "Nooooo," I said.
The woman said, "I remember you from when you worked in fin press."
"I never worked in fin press," I replied.
"Well, the autobrazer," she said, only I'd never worked on the autobrazer, either. "The assembly line" she tried again. Nope, and by this time, I'm wondering who in the world she'd gotten me mixed up with, because the only time I worked on the line is when they had the brazers on the lines.
After she walked away, the other brazer said, "I don't remember her from a hole in the wall."
"Me, neither," I said, but somehow, she remembered us. Or so she said.
And finally, I'm taking a bit of a break from knitting hats to knit myself some new wash cloths.
My old ones were starting to get pretty ragged around the edges, so it was time.
And now, it's time for bed.
G'night, all.
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