Wednesday, May 15, 2024

That There

Well, well, well, look what we have here. 

Do you know what that is?  That there is a bluebonnet.  In my herb garden.  Where it will live out its days unmolested.  Maybe I'll even get a bloom, since none of the others have done anything. 

Not much else going on today.  We were at work, after an interminably long day, already lined up at the time clock at 2:58:30 when the production manager known as...well, I'd better not say.  Let's just call him Not Cuz.  As I said, we were already at the time clock when Not Cuz came storming into the department hollering, "Everybody has to stay!"  

Some of us reminded him that company policy states that they have to give us 24 hours notice for overtime to be mandatory, and he was  not  happy about that. I'm sure there will be some sort of retaliatory action on his part tomorrow, but he'll get over it.   I mean, people have to make child care arrangements, and the quickest way to show your employees that you don't give a rip about them is not to give a rip about their kids. 

Been there, done that. 

So anyway, I feel like I'm going to be walking into the lion's den tomorrow, so I'm taking it a bit easy tonight. 


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