Sometimes I sit around and I dream of the day when I won't be tired all the time. Today is not that day.
I know, I know. You're all tired -- he he-- of hearing me complain about how tired I am, but it seems to be the theme of my life these days. I didn't have to go in until 5:00 yesterday, so I started the day off full of pep and vinegar. By the end of the day, I was absolutely dragging. I'd thought I'd get up and mow this morning, but my legs were so sore and achy, those plans went right out the window.
It didn't help that I planted most of my cosmos seedlings in the front bed, either. I'm getting too old to be doing all that squatting and bending over. That's why I bought raised bed for my herb and pepper gardens.
Nevertheless, almost all of the seedlings got nestled into their new homes and surrounded by egg shells.
Until I ran out of egg shells, that is. Then I spread some diatomaceous earth around the rest.
The smaller, weaker seedlings got left in the tray for now.
I've got a couple of window box style planters I'm going to put them into when they get a bit bigger.
That's pretty much it for today, at least as far as gardening goes. Oh, I almost forgot. I got on the Burpee website and ordered some Lemon Verbena, Orange Mint, and French Tarragon. Then I cut and started drying some of the mint that grows outside my back door. I don't know what variety it is other than mint. And I started cutting the Italian Parsley. I need to cut some of the rosemary and lemon balm, too. I just haven't done it yet.
By the way, remember how I said my cilantro smelled like stink bug? Well, the dryer it gets, the part I cut, I mean, the less stink buggy it smells. I'm hoping Cody thinks it smells OK.
Really, the only other thing I did was run into town to the Lee Tartt Nature Preserve where they were having their Spring Wings thing. It was pretty cool. There were a lot of activities for the kids to do, with lots of animals for them to pet and such.
And guided tours, and canoe rides. I wanted to go in the canoe, but they said I couldn't because I had to have a second person with me. That was a bummer. I have more photos, which I will post in my Facebook album sometime soon. It was all very nice, but I didn't stay long.
I came home and finished another hat
while watching the Kentucky Derby.
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