Sunday, May 26, 2024

Day Of Rest

It's been so nice just lazing around the house today, knowing I don't have to be getting ready for bed at 6:00 PM.  I still had a hard time shaking the feeling that I needed to be rushing through everything I was doing -- which wasn't much actually.  Other than changing my sheets and doing a few odds and ends, I didn't really do much of anything.

I finally finished knitting this hat, which has been on the back burner while I knit myself a couple of new washcloths. 

I haven't cast on a new one yet, but you know me.  I can't stay away from the hats for long. 

I did take a few moments to clean Slider's tank, despite how the glass looks.

That just leaves Sunset and Blaze to go.  They'll have to wait, though, because I just fed them and they'll need a few days to digest their food. 

In other news, yesterday after I'd posted, I started grinding and bottling some of this year's herbs. 

That's all I have so far.  I'm going to have to buy some more of those little jars before I do any more.  I'm going to put some of the same type of labels on as I'd made last year, but have decided to go with a smaller size.  I had to order them, because Walmart didn't have any smaller than 2".  By the way, I'd dumped out the Purple Deadnettle I'd previously dried.  I was going to try to use it somehow, but just couldn't get over the fact that it smells and tastes like dirt.  

As for what I'm reading, I finished that Tithe book I'd started.  It was a pretty easy read, but there was nothing new or original about it.  It felt like the author put Hugh Howey's Wool series and The Hunger Games into a blender, then threw in a dash of Divergent for flavor, and this is what came out.  It was the same old typical post - apocalyptic dystopian novel in which the main character is a spoiled, selfish, headstrong, narcissistic teenage girl -- only this one is 18 instead of 17.  There is even the love triangle that is so prevalent in these types of books.  It wasn't a bad book, but it wasn't great.  Let's just say, I'm not going to rush out and buy the second one. 

Speaking of buying, I finally broke down and bought the last book in the Matched trilogy, Reached.  

I'd been waiting for them to mark it down or put it on Daily Deal, but finally came to the conclusion that they weren't going to do that.  I'll have to re-read the first two because it's been so long I don't even remember the story.  

And finally, I recorded a short vlog for you -- mainly to try out my new microphone and selfie-stick.  It's completely raw video, because I don't have any editing software.  My vlogs aren't nearly popular enough to make editing worth the time.  Anyway, I hope you enjoy this little trip around my yard.   

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