Thursday, January 30, 2020


I've got coworkers dropping like flies.

There were so many people out today, they had to shut one of the lines down.  Now, I don't know if they all had the flu, or if some of them were just skipping work, but still.  We had a lot of people out. 

In my department alone, we had 4 brazers out.  They sent us three people from the lines to help, but then one of them got a phone call and had to leave.  It got so bad, at one point, even Stalker got onto a stand and brazed an order.

Heh, I'd sure like to see what his leak rate is.

Me, I'm struggling a bit myself.  I felt bad all day.  Not bad enough to come home.  Just bad enough to be miserable all day. I feel weak, shaky, and nauseated.  I'm not running fever, though, so I'm going to tough it out.  This will be me tomorrow. 

In fact, I might just print that out and hang it on my brazing stand...

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