Tuesday, January 14, 2020

He Has Now

I don't know what was wrong with me yesterday.  I absolutely froze all day long.  I kept my jacket on, but I was still cold.  Even after I got home, I was cold.  I took a hot bath, but I couldn't warm up, plus, I felt awful -- not sick so much, as just draggy -- so I finally just gave up. 

I didn't even watch the ball game.  Oh, I knew I wouldn't last through the whole game anyway.  When one gets up ridiculously early, one must also go to bed ridiculously early.   I'd thought I'd at least watch the first half, then DVR the rest to watch over the weekend.  It didn't turn out that way.  By the time the game started, I felt so bad, I knew I wouldn't even make it through the first half.   I texted my friend Amy and told her to cheer double for me, went to bed. 

Where I promptly began burning up.  Sweating until the sheets were soaked and everything.  I finally had to get up and turn on the window A/C to cool off enough to get to sleep.

Along about 11:45, I woke up.  I lay there a moment, and thought, "That ball game is probably over by now.  But no, I'm not going to check the score until in the morning."

I lay there another moment. 

And another moment...and another....

OK, I gotta know.

I grabbed my phone and opened my ESPN app -- with more than a little trepidation.  For the last two weeks, all I've heard was how LSU couldn't possibly win, because Trevor Lawrence had never lost. 

LSU had no chance, because Trevor Lawrence had never lost.

Clemson was definitely going to win, because Trevor Lawrence had never lost.

Trevor Lawrence had never lost.

Trevor Lawrence had never lost.  

Trevor Lawrence had never lost! He's never lost!  Never!  Never!! Never!!! 

He has now.

Not only has he lost, he got an absolute beat down!  Final score 42-25.  I'd been so nervous about that game, and it wasn't even close.  Cody said he almost felt sorry for Clemson.  Almost...

Contentedly, I went back to sleep, and woke up to thunderstorms.  I got to work, slogged through rain, across the parking lot, and went inside the plant to begin preparing for my work day.  That's when one of my coworkers came and told me I'd left my car lights on.  It didn't seem right, because my car bings at me if I do that.  But, by the time the third coworker mentioned it, I figured I'd better go check. 

I bundled back up, and slogged back through the rain, back across the parking lot.  About halfway up the aisle, I thought I had figured out what was going on.  I must have somehow popped my hatchback, which will cause the lights to come on temporarily.  Sure enough, when I got to my car, the lights were off, and the hatchback was open.  Not wide open, but not latched.  I closed it, and the rest of the day went off without a hitch.

In other news, my New Year's Resolution was that I wasn't going to buy any more wax melts until I'd used up the ones I already have.  I didn't make it.

They were on clearance.  And that's all I have to say about that.

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