Wednesday, January 01, 2020

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year to all!!

I hope your day has been filled with fun, food, and football.  Cody didn't come down this time, so it's been just me.  I didn't do the traditional black eyed peas and cabbage, though.  I'm not super fond of either, so I got the last of Christmas 2018 gumbo out of the freezer and ate it, so I could start the new year with a freezer full of fresh gumbo.

Other than that, I've just been knitting and watching football.  This is my newest knitting project.

The yarn is Red Heart Boutique Unforgettable in Tealberry colorway.  I do not like this yarn!  It is single ply, and very loosely spun.  I even broke it once, just trying to cast on.  Being acrylic, it doesn't have the grip a wool or alpaca yarn would, so the fibers don't stick together as well.  I won't be buying any more of it, that's for sure. 

I'm just doing a simple garter stitch scarf.  Depending on how long it ends up being, I might seam it up and make a cowl.  I'll probably be long enough to wrap a couple of times.  We'll see.

The other thing I've been doing is finally cleaning off my computer desk.  I filed the receipts and records that needed to be filed, and tossed the rest.  The good news is, I found my dip pen, and four of the five nibs that came with it.

I'm not really worried about the fifth nib, as it was the superdy duperdy fine one, and I don't like writing with an ultra fine nib anyway.  One of you might just end up getting a letter written with a dip pen....

Speaking of letters, I found a new pen pal from Australia, and one from France.  Most of the other pen pals I found on the Global Penfriends site have quit writing.  It makes me think I must be boring or something. Anyway, I hope I eventually find some who will stick with it, and won't stop writing after just one or two letters.

Oh, and while I was cleaning off my computer desk, I found my health screening numbers from 2018.  I knew my numbers had gotten better, but I couldn't remember exactly what the previous numbers were.  Now, I do.   My total cholesterol went from 298 to 273.  Still high, but at least going in the right direction.  My Triglycerides went from 233 to 170, and my HDL went from 51 to 57, and my LDL dropped from 200 to 182.  I'm pretty stoked about that.  Once I get all the Christmas cookies and candy eaten up, I'm going to have to get back to eating healthy.  One thing, I've kind of kept up with walking my steps.  I don't have stairs at my house, but I've been stepping up and down on the step stool. 

It works...sort of.   Eh, it's better than nothing.

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