Friday, January 03, 2020

Random Thoughts Of A Friday Evening

1.  This is my last weekend before I have to go back to work Monday.  I turned my alarm back on, to try to adjust to getting up at 3:30 again.  It went off, and I went back to sleep. 

2.  We got 2 3/4 inches of rain yesterday.  So much of what I wanted to do while I was off didn't happen, because of the weather.  I didn't get all my firewood split and stacked, but I did get some of it done.  I didn't get all the privet cut out of my fence, but I did get some of it done, so the break wasn't a total loss.

3.  I had to go to the store, so I went back into the Christmas clearance section.  I was looking for some more of those plates I'd gotten last weekend.  They didn't have any more, but I found cards instead.  I don't know where they had them hidden the first time, but there they were.

4.  I got some Snoopy cards.

5.  I got some snowman cards. 

6.  And I got some more Snoopy cards, all at 75% off. 

7.  I don't mind showing them to you, because it'll probably be a couple of years before I get to these anyway.  I've still got quite a few left over -- that I bought on clearance last year.  And if your memory is anything like mine, you won't even remember them by then.

8.  I have a friend who is allergic to cold.  I mean, it's not a true allergy, but when she is exposed to cold weather, her lungs react like it's an asthma attack.  I think I have something similar, except I cough.  This latest cold spell has had me coughing so hard, my head is sore, my chest is sore, and even my back is sore.  It's warmed up a bit today, and I'm hardly coughing at all.

9.  This afternoon, I dragged my storage boxes in from the shed.  I haven't started taking anything down, though.  Not just yet. 

10.  I made a cherry pie.  No big deal.  Canned filling and store bought crusts, but I used my longhorn cookie cutter to decorate the top crust.  And some stars.

11.  I've spent some time today catching up on my DVRed cheesy Christmas movies, so I can drop Philo.  Not sure I'm going to do the Hallmark thing next year.  Cody and I were talking about it, and I told him I'd spent so much time making sure I didn't miss any premiers that I hadn't even watched all my classics. 

12.  We watched It's A Wonderful Life when he was here for Christmas, but we yapped so much, I missed most of the movie.  I told him, "Just a minute, I have to see this part.  This is the whole movie right here."  So we were quiet, just long enough to hear Harry say, "To my big brother George, the richest man in town." 

13.  As many times as I've seen that movie, that line still chokes me up.  Every time.

14.  I hope it always does.

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