Wednesday, January 22, 2020

A Whole Lot Of Nothing

There's been a whole lot of nothing going on lately, which is why there has been very little blogging going on lately.  I don't have anything to talk about.

We had Monday off for Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, and the plan was to go up to Southaven and do a little shopping.  I desperately need new work jeans, and I wanted to see if I could find somewhere that sells nice stationery.  Wal-mart has very little selection.  However, upon reflection, I decided my bank account was a bit to thin to do a lot of indiscriminate spending.

So, I just stayed home and spent indiscriminately on Amazon. 

See, I bought new stationery!

It's just letterhead, though.  I didn't find matching envelopes.  They probably have some.  I just haven't found them yet.

Anyway, the whole reason I went to Amazon in the first place is that I got a notice my lactose intolerance enzyme supplement was due to ship soon.  Back in the day, I used to get the box of 30 capsules.  Some time ago, they sent me a notice that those were no longer eligible for Subscribs & Save, and they were switching me to the box of 96.  Me, in my sleep deprived state -- in other words, my usual self -- didn't think to change the delivery period.

It took me a bit to figure it out.  By that time, I had quite the stash built up -- of boxes of 96.  All that to say, I went to Amazon to skip this next delivery.  While I was there, I saw the flashing banner for the deal of the day.  It was something that was on my wish list.  It was something I needed.  It was marked down 40%.  Naturally, I bought it.

It's the world's toughest survival tent for my bug out bag.  One of these days, I need to inventory my bug out bag to see what I have and what I still need to get.

Finally, remember a couple of days ago when Gareth Scott replied to my happy birthday greeting?  Well, if I had been brave enough, I'd have said something along the lines of:   if you ever find yourself in the middle of nowhere Mississippi,  U.S.A., I'll be happy to show you the sights....I hope you like cotton fields.

And if he ever came, I'd show him the cotton fields on Riverdale Road, and the cotton fields by the airport, and the cotton fields on 333 Loop, and the cotton fields on Papermill Road, and the cotton fields behind the Dollar General Store....

Then we'd go to the South end of town and I'd show him the cotton fields down there...

Don't I sound like a fun first date?

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