Thursday, January 16, 2020

A Heavy Heart

It is with a heavy heart I have to inform you I have decided to set aside the violin for the time being.

It wasn't easy, but I think it was necessary.  I enjoyed playing it, but I just don't have time to give three instruments their due.  Since I have more invested in the piano and guitar,  it was the violin which had to go.  I hope I can pick it up some time later, when I'm not so pressed for time.  In other words, when I'm not working so much...

Oh, look at what my next song in my guitar book is.

Because 'Murica.  That's why.

Speaking of work, I got there bright and early this morning -- some of us go in at 5:00 -- and Stalker was there.  He said he needed to come in early to watch us and make sure we were working.  I don't know about the rest of my fellow brazers, but that made me extremely angry.  I've been there 25 years (next month), and have been brazing for 21 of those 25 years.  I know how to do my job!  I don't need a [unwholesome word for which I had to repent] babysitter.  If I did, I sure wouldn't have lasted a quarter of a century out there.

I think he might have realized he'd crossed a line, because he stayed in the back most of the day.  Remember how I said they were rearranging the whole plant?  All the component areas are now in what used to be the plant, and the assembly lines are back in what used to be the warehouse.

It was a while before I ever needed to even go back there, but one day, a part stager gave me a partial to braze up.  She told me, "When you're done, put it directly into Line 3 Group Leader's hands."

I kind of felt like Bilbo, just a bit...


I told my coworkers if I wasn't back in half an hour to send out a search party.  It's a long, long way.  I may need to start carrying my bug out bag with me...

Here's some excitement for you.  I woke up bright and early this morning, and as is my custom, I browsed Facebook while eating my breakfast of oatmeal.  There are only two sea chanty groups I follow on there -- one being my white headed chanty men -- and the other is Kimber's Men.  I've posted some of their songs before, including this where has this song been all my life number.

Anyway, I was eating my oatmeal when I saw that they had posted a birthday wish to one of the members. I was trying to think of something witty and clever and sophisticated to say to him, but alas, nothing is witty, clever, or sophisticated at 4:00 in the morning, so I just said happy birthday.    But look! 



Whoa!  Squeeeee!!!!   Here's why that's such a big deal  -- and not just because a celeb replied to my comment. 

Back after That Awesome Hunk Of Pure Awesomeness Who Used To Be My Imaginary Boyfriend Before He Got Married To Someone Who Is Not Me Bill Whittle got married to someone who is me, I needed to find a new imaginary boyfriend.  Gareth Scott was thisclose to becoming the aforementioned imaginary boyfriend, until he just got edged out by my little Punkin Head Pooh Bear Gator Bait. 

Finally, Rylea says, "Mama, will you please put these cushions back onto my love seat!"

To which I reply, "Will you stop kicking them off, then?"

Now, if you will excuse me, Jesse is telling me it's time for bed.  And I haven't even practiced my piano yet. 

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