Monday, February 03, 2020

I Only Thought

I only thought I was going to have a bad day.

It all started when I got there, and it looked like a tornado had hit my brazing stand. Seriously.  My parts trays were flung hither, my header bin was no where to be found, and my buggy was thither.  It took me something like 20 minutes just to put my work station back together so I could start my job.

I finally got that done, and started setting up an order to braze.  Aaaand one of the adapter tubes was wrong.  I took the paper to the dispatcher and re-ordered the part, then set the order aside and began setting up on another one.  Aaaand...

You guessed it.  One of the adapter tubes was wrong.  At this point, I told Group Leader Shark, "Yeah, Imma be heading on back to the house now.  I can already tell what kind of a day this is going to be." 

I'm glad I stayed, because after lunch, the day got a whole lot better. 

Just before 2:00, the rumors started.  I wanted to believe it, but didn't want to -- just in case it wasn't true.  I even said so to one of my coworkers.

"If that's not true, we're all going to be so crushed." 

But, then, they started calling everyone up to the training room for a meeting.  And that's when they told us.  There was someone here from the home office in Dallas.  He told us was that there has been a change in leadership at the plant.  Without going into all the gory details, basically there were some differences of opinion regarding leadership style.  The home office had counseled the person that his style needed to change, and when it didn't, they decided to change him.

We filed out of the meeting, and went back onto the same shop floor, to the same work, at the same brazing stand...but the mood of the entire plant had suddenly lightened. The Boss Who Must Not Be Named was positively glowing.  I can't say as I blame him, because he'd borne the brunt of the -- um, less than pleasant -- style of leadership. 

Do you have any idea how difficult it is to get up and go work every day for a boss who acts like he hates you?  No, I don't mean "doesn't appreciate" you.  I don't mean, "takes you for granted."  I mean actively hates you -- as in would just as soon see you dead.  That's what we've been dealing with for the last two years.  Well, NO MORE!!!! 

Hallelujah!!  Can we get rid of my Stalker next? 

OK, moving right along to the post I had previously planned for today.

Yeah, this is my New Year's Resolution blown already.

I had said I wasn't going to buy any more until I'd used up the ones I already had.  In my defense, they were on clearance.  That's my story and I'm sticking to it.

Oh, and there has been knitting.  I finally got my new yarn knit into my blanket.

It turned out a lot prettier than I'd thought it would be.  It's the turquoise and gray one in the center.  I still need to knit a square into the other blanket, though.  Maybe this weekend.

I think I've created a monster.  Yes, I ordered more stationery.  But look, this set had matching envelopes!

And since Valentine's Day is coming up, I thought I needed a heart stamp.

Now, I just need someone to write a love letter to...

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