Tuesday, June 25, 2024

New Toys

I got me a new toy this afternoon.  

Truth is, I'd always wanted an ice maker ever since they first began to be available, but couldn't justify the expense of buying one.  However, it's been so hot in the plant these last few days, and it being ADP the first two things they cut off when it gets hot are the air conditioners and the ice makers.  OK, not really, but it sure feels like it.

Seriously, when it's the same temperature at your work station as it is outside, how can you say the plant is air conditioned?  And I don't know what's going on with the ice machines.  They're supposedly working, but are always empty.  My guess is that they simply don't have nearly enough capacity for a place that size with that many employees, and since they won't let us have our insulated mugs anymore, everyone is constantly needing ice. 

Especially this time of year, when we're nearly always under a heat advisory. 

And it's only going to get worse from here on out, well until about mid September at least. 

After spending the last few days walking my legs off going from break room, to break room, to break room trying to keep my cup filled -- not to mention my lunchbox-- I decided I had justification enough and went straight to Walmart after work and got me my own ice machine. 

I had to rearrange a few things on my counter, but it now has a home and is happily purring away,

 and look!  Ice!

I'm pleasantly surprised at how quickly it's filling up.  I'm transferring the ice from her into my bin in the freezer, so maybe that way I'll have enough built up to fill my cup and cooler in the morning. 

My other new toy isn't really a toy.  I finally broke down and bought a glucose meter to better keep track of my sugar.  So far, I'm not doing so well.  It would seem all the things I'd been doing to try to be healthy and lower my cholesterol was actually raising my blood sugar -- like drinking my fruit smoothies.  I mean, fruit is good for you, but I'd been picking the high sugar fruits like bananas, mangoes, and peaches.  

Oatmeal is another one I'm confused about.   I've been looking into it, because I'd started eating my morning bowl for breakfast again in order to help lower my cholesterol, but some websites say it can raise blood sugar, while others say oats are a low glycemic, high fiber food that can help stabilize blood sugar levels in type 2 diabetics.  I'll try to remember to ask about it when I go back to the doctor next month.  In the meantime, the consensus is that plain oatmeal or oatmeal with healthy additives like nuts or berries is OK.  I think I'll keep eating it, then. 

And finally, there has been knitting.  I've been working on the scarf for the Seaman's Church Institute, and have gotten to the ribbing part.  

I've got to knit 4 x 4 ribbing for 18", then do another section of garter stitch.  The cat is not impressed. 



Amnicon Studio said...

LOVE your ice maker!

As for the blood sugar stuff ... blood sugar will do what it wants.

And a lot of the stuff that you read about things being good for a diabetic diet is kind of laughable.

If you want fruit, your safest bet is to stick with berries. Though for some reason I'm okay with oranges. It's so weird. ...

I haven't tried oatmeal in a while, so I can't give an opinion on it.

Even though you may not like it, reading nutritional labels helps SO much.

Becky G said...

I started eating my oatmeal again, and so far, it doesn't seem to be affecting my blood sugar that much. I'll keep on, because I know it's good for my cholesterol.