Friday, June 07, 2024


I have peppers!  Baby peppers!  Well, some of them are getting pretty big, and they're growing so fast.  I took these photos yesterday, but all of the peppers are so much bigger today. 

These are Jalapeños.

These are tabascos. 

Here is a teeny baby sweet banana pepper. 

And last, but certainly not least, hot cayenne. 

I'm not completely sure what I'm going to do with them  - I mean all of them, not just the cayenne.  I was talking to Cody Monday evening and said, "I'd planted those peppers for you, but didn't think through the logistics of how I was going to get them to you."  He said they'd try to come up on a Sunday afternoon here in a few weeks and get some. 

But he did tell me that I could pickle the sweet banana peppers, so I'm going to look in to doing that -- and by "look in to"  I mean, I'm going to google it. He was saying something about letting the Jalapeños fully ripen and doing something with them then, but I forgot what he had said.  I'm going to have to ask him.  And of course, I can dry and grind the cayenne and make homemade tabasco sauce.  

By the way, he'd planted a few peppers and tomatoes in his back yard, but only a couple of his seeds have germinated.  I told him that I can't get seeds to germinate for anything, which is why I buy plants that are already started.  He said maybe he'd try that next year.  I hope by next year they're in a better house.  The one they're in now is a dump, and I'm not talking about their housecleaning skills.  The floors are so rotten in spots, I thought I'd fall through, and even though they have air conditioning, it was so damp I could feel my hair curling just sitting in their living room.  I didn't want to say anything to them, but however much they're paying in rent, it's too much.  

In other garden news, I've got a new sunflower open in the back yard. 

I think the deer have found this one, because it's got like, two leaves left.  I spread some more of the Repells All around these in hopes that the deer will leave them alone. 

I did cut one of the flowers from the front bed and got some seeds from it.

In retrospect, I think I should have left it a bit longer, because only a few of the seeds were ripe.  Oh well, chalk it up to a learning experience.  There are still two blooms on that particular plant, so I'll leave them longer.  I bought some cheese cloth to make little baggies, just in case they start dropping their seeds without me noticing.  I'd tried to use Ziplocs, but they held too much humidity in and I was afraid the seeds would get all manky.  Cheesecloth will allow the air to circulate while still catching whatever seeds that fall.  

Will you look at this crazy thing?  

It thinks it's fall.  I wonder if bringing it inside last winter has confused it.  

I wish it were fall.  I'm so not looking forward to July and August.  By the way, do you know how you can tell it's almost summer?  ADP turns off the air conditioners and the ice machines.  It's already getting up into the low 90s at my work station, and it's only going to get worse. 

Speaking of work, as of Monday the assembly lines will be working 5:00 AM - 3:00 PM, and oh, you should have heard the wailing.  And I'm sitting there thinking, "Stop acting like you've never worked here before."

That being said, if the lines are on 10 hour shifts, we component areas will be on 12 hour shifts before it's all over.   I guess I really do need to get that personal organizer to oversee all my projects I want done on this house. 

I reckon that's it for today.  I stayed up late last night watching the livestream of The Chosen season 4 episode 2.  I was going to turn it off after the actual episode and watch the rest of the stream today, but I didn't.  I put it onto my Kindle and watched it in bed.  So, I'm a bit tuckered right now.

I think I'm going to go to bed early tonight.   G'nite, all. 

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