Thursday, June 27, 2024


Before I get into today's post, I wanted to give you an update on the brazer who fell out yesterday.  She'd gotten overheated, which triggered an asthma attack, but once they got her cooled off and her asthma calmed down, she was fine.   She didn't come back to work today, and honestly, I don't think she'll last much longer out there because it's going to get much, much hotter before it's all over with.  

Now, on to the topic at hand, my flower beds. Those storms yesterday evening really wreaked havoc on my poor Cosmos.   They were nearly pulverized, but have managed to survive. 

This afternoon, I got my now obsolete sunflower stakes and made a sort of makeshift trellis system for them so at least they're not laying out in the yard or onto the porch. 

 I think next year, I won't put such tall plants right in front of the house because of the rain runoff.  I'd love to get gutters someday, but I can't even get my act together enough to get the yard surveyed and the fence replaced, so it's not likely that will happen either. 

Speaking of tall flowers, these three sunflowers came through the storms just fine, and as you can see, they're taller than the house. 

They're the ones I had tied to the Christmas light hooks, but alas, this little one wasn't quite tall enough for that.  

I had it staked, but the stalk snapped off right above that so I cut it and brought it inside. 

In other news, something is going on with this sweet banana pepper, so I cut it and put it into my refrigerator.  

Maybe I can cut that wonky spot off and use it for something, though I have no idea what to do with a banana pepper.  I'll have to look up some recipes.  

In the back left corner, you can also see my cilantro.  It's pretty much toast at this point.  It grew too fast and I couldn't keep up with it, so it's gone completely to seed.   I know you can also use the seeds as a seasoning, and I was going to try to collect them as well, but at this rate, I don't know if that's going to happen, either.  I may just pull the whole thing up and plant some Stevia.  

Anyway, that's about all I have for today.  I think I'll go get me something to eat and watch a little of the boob tube.  Am I showing my age there?  Yep...


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