Wednesday, June 19, 2024

What A Week

It really started last week, but ooo-dah-lolly what a week!  

I don't know what's going on out there at the plant, but there have been a steady stream of people being taken up to first - aid in the wheelchair, including one of the brazers last Friday.  Now, don't get me wrong-- I don't want to make light of her fainting, but this particular brazer falls out all the time.  So much so that we've lost count.  That's how we all knew exactly what to do for her.  

The newbs, however, were pretty shook up over it.  Once we'd gotten the fainted brazer up to first aid, and she'd been tended to, they came back to the department shaking and crying and all.  I wanted so badly to look at them and say, 

But I was good and kept that to myself.

In other news, tropical storm Alberto has formed in the Gulf, but except for some coastal flooding, isn't expected to be any danger to the U.S.  It is predicted to make landfall in Mexico.  We won't even get any rain out of it here.    What we will get is heat and humidity.  Not from the storm.  From the fact that it is Mississippi and June.  

I had to put a fan in my piano corner, because even with the air on, it gets uncomfortably warm in that corner. 

I'm still practicing, just not as much.  I play for a few minutes in the mornings before work, because by the time I get home, I'm so worn out, I don't always feel like it. I don't really feel like doing much of anything, for what it's worth, but here's something I did over the weekend.  I started cleaning and organizing these shelves.  

I know it doesn't look like it, but hey, it's a start.  Eventually, the plan is to move the whole thing out to the shed.  I'm also considering buying another one of those Rubbermaid cabinets like I got last year.  I don't know, though.  We'll see. 

In other news, I have a pink Cosmos!

I was beginning to think I wasn't going to get any other colors but white, but this one surprised me when I got home from work this afternoon. 

And finally, some of my tabasco peppers are turning brown/gray. 

I'm not sure if it's from sunburn, or overwatering or what. I've cut back on watering them to see if that helps, but I'm open to ideas.  

Well, I know this is a bit short, but there really hasn't been that much to talk about.  I'm just working and sleeping, and not much else.  That's how it's going to be for a while. 

Until busy season is over, at least. 


Amnicon Studio said...

Your peppers are ripening. As they ripen more they start turning colors from the green we are used to.

Yesterday we had warmth and humidity. A storm front was coming and we all knew it and were just waiting to see how bad it was going to be. The arrowhead region area of northern Minnesota got it pretty bad. A few places in Wisconsin, along lake Superior got it bad, too. My area it was rain and thunder and a bit of lightening. Roads washed out, etc.

I've said it before: Your work is never boring.

Becky G said...

I'll trust you on the peppers, then. This is my first time growing them. I'd bought them for Cody, but didn't think through the logistics of how to get them to him!

Amnicon Studio said...

Do you want to give them to him fresh or dried out? Years ago I dried jalapenos by running a thread through them and hung them up in the kitchen. I have a dehydrator now.

Becky G said...

I'd hoped to make fresh tabasco sauce with these, but if I don't get enough to do that, I'll dry them. I did it years ago with some chili peppers, but never did anything with them.