Saturday, June 08, 2024

It's Fixed!

It's fixed!  My lawnmower is finally fixed. I know, I know, finally.   It's only been a month, right?  

Well, you see when the neighbor's nephew cut it, that bought me a bit of time.  Then when he came and cut it again, he bought me some more time, even though he broke my heart by cutting down all my clover in the back.  

Tuesday when I got back from Jackson, I'd intended to fix it then, but as it turns out, I couldn't find the tools I naturally I did what any red blooded American would do.  I bought a new set.

This thing has got everything in it.  Not just sockets, but combination wrenches, allen wrenches, both metric and standard stuff, and screwdriver tips.  The only complaint I have about it is that some of the smaller sockets don't fit into their spaces very well, so I have to make sure to open the case a certain way so they don't all fall out. 

Anyway, I got out after work, determined to fix my lawnmower.  I had searched some YouTube videos and was trying to follow them, but they were more confusing than helpful.  In the end, I just winged it and got 'er done.  Then came the big test:  did it work? 

I pulled the rope once...nothing.  Twice....nothing.  A third time....and it caught!  My lawnmower started!  I fixed it myself!  

I hadn't planned on actually mowing today, but I got so excited I started cutting my grass, and I'm telling you, God must really be tired of hearing me complain about mowing, because he sent my across-the-street neighbor to cut it for me. 

Well, the front and side yards at least.  I told the man I had stuff growing in the back that I didn't want cut, so maybe he won't take it upon himself to cut it anyway.  And you're never going to guess who that man was.

It's Edna-Who-Loves-To-See-Her-Name-In-My-Blog's soon to be great nephew in law.   Edna, I take back every bad thing I ever said about you!  

So, I let him cut the grass while I came inside and folded laundry.  I'll probably get out in the morning and cut the parts of my back yard that don't have clover or plantain growing in them, and maybe weedeat, but I'm going to watch TV and try to finish this hat I've been knitting on for what seems like forever.


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