Saturday, June 15, 2024

Well, That Was A Bust

I got up bright and early this morning, on my day off, but not as early as I do when I have to go to work, and eagerly went down to the farmer's market on the square. Turns out, it was a bust. 

Being as this is Thunder On Water weekend, they were having the BBQ contest, so a lot of the vendors that usually come to the farmer's market didn't even show up, and the ones that did didn't have any tomatoes.  I guess it's still too early in the season for them.  

Bost Farms did have some pattypan squash and I was tempted to buy some, but in the end, I left with only a book from the Little Free Library. 

Other than mowing, and cleaning out Blaze's tank, I didn't do much of anything besides make my pesto.  I only had just over a cup of fresh basil, and most of the recipes I'd found called for three to four cups.  One site said you can substitute baby spinach, so I did that to make up two cup, then I adjusted the recipe accordingly.  It turned out pretty good, if I do say so myself.  Now I just need to find some simple recipes I can use pesto in.  

I ran into a little snag when I realized that I no longer had a working food processor -- mine having kicked the proverbial bucket years ago, but I dug out the ol' blender and we made do.  

In knitting news, I'm now back to the point I was when I ripped this scarf and started over. 

 For some reason, it's going much faster this time around.  I'm not sure why, but I'm not complaining. 

Also, my friend Marcy sent me some safety eyes so I can finish my emotional support chicken that's been in the drawer for several weeks now.  I need to get her out and finish her.  Her name will be HenBit -- after one of my favorite springtime edible weeds.  

Maybe she'll join Suzette on our adventures.  But I've got to get her done first. 

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