Thursday, June 13, 2024

I Called It

Did I call that or what?

Yesterday they'd put up a notice out at work saying all production areas were going to be off Saturday.  This morning, they put up a new notice that said all assembly areas would be off Saturday.  Component areas, see your supervisor.

Oh, you should have heard the wailing and hollering -- from the newbs.  Us old school folks just looked at each other and said, "We knew that was going to happen."   But before the day was out, Group Leader Shark came around and told us that none of the brazers would be working, so it's all good.

Heh, Demi-god said he wasn't going to come in anyway, no matter what they'd told him to do.  And the rest of us just looked at each other and said, "It must be nice to have Uncle Supervisor to disappear your points like that."  

But wait, there's more!

While all that was going on, we had a medical emergency out at the plant -- so concerning, the first aid lady called the ambulance-- and two fights broke out at the same time.  They got the fights sorted out, and the ambulance finally arrived and things went back to normal...or so we thought. 

Not two hours later, we had another medical emergency and they had to call the ambulance again.  Them ambulance folks must have been wondering what the heck is going on out there.  And all this happened before 10:00.

I haven't heard how the people are doing, but I'll let you know if I do. 

The rest of the day passed without incident, other than being hot and miserable.  In other words, normal for out there. 

In other news, I finished re-reading Matched, by Ally Condie.  If you're a fan of Young Adult Dystopian fiction, this is one of the better ones out there.  I'd first read it some 12 years ago, and upon re-reading it, I was surprised at how much I remembered.  It must have made quite an impression. 

Yes, the protagonist is a 17 year old girl, and yes, there is a love triangle, but unlike most dystopian heroines, she's not spoiled, whiny, stubborn, or a know it all, and doesn't go rushing headlong into situations that would have gotten her killed in real life.  No, this one wants to be obedient, and wants to be a good citizen, but due to a glitch in the matching system, she's slowly awakened to the idea that there is a better way to live. 

Now, I'm reading the second book, Crossed. 

I've read it before, too, but also wanted to re-read it before finally finishing the series. 

Once I'm done, it'll be back to Shakespeare for a while. 

1 comment:

Amnicon Studio said...

I listened to that series, way back when. Pretty decent. :-)