Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Knitting And A Vlog

Guess what?  They handed out water bottles at work today.  Can't turn on the air conditioning, but they handed out water bottles.  

Thin, flimsy, cheap plastic, uninsulated water bottles...I brought mine home and added it to the rest of the ones that I've never used...

The new one is the one in the middle.  I wish they'd let us have our insulated cups back, but nooooo.  We have to drink out of an ADP approved cup.  So they can tell what kind of sugary drinks we're spilling into the machines, or so says Cuz.  

In other news, I finally finished that hat I've been working on for about two weeks now.  

Then I ripped out this scarf and started it over for the third time. 

I didn't like the way the edges were laying, so I'm doing them a bit differently.  Before, I was slipping the first and last stitches.  This time, I'm just slipping the first.  So far, I'm liking it better.  

And finally, because I was too tired to type it all out, you get a vlog.   Yay!

By the way, this was the second take.  I recorded the entire video without turning on my microphone, so I had to do it again.  Oh well, it gave me a chance to rehearse.  

I hope you enjoy it. 

1 comment:

Amnicon Studio said...

I enjoyed seeing the yard/garden tour. You have certainly come a long way. :-)