Wednesday, February 07, 2018


I was going to write you a nice, long eloquent blog post tonight, but as it happens, I got nuthin'.  Except that I got daffodils coming up! 

Other than that, nuthin'. 

Seriously, though, I work at kind of a no-brainer job.  There are some who might disagree with me, but it doesn't really require much mental strength.  Or maybe it's just because I've been doing it so long -- 23 years -- that I could do the job in my sleep. 

I can neither confirm nor deny that I may have or may have not done just that from time to time. 

All that to say, when I'm at work, my mind is composing blog posts by the dozen.  I think of all these things I need to tell you.  All these things about which I could write.  By the time I get home, they're gone.  Poofed into the nether world.

For a few years, I ran a machine that I basically set up and just watched it run for --however long it took to make the parts it was making.  I carry a little notebook to work, and in those days, I could jot down rough drafts while my machine was running.  Those were the glory days of the blog.  Now, not so much. 

The job I'm currently doing is much more hands on, and stopping work to write posts --fascinating though they may be -- tends to be frowned upon by those in supervisory positions.  I don't see why.  At least I'm exercising my mind instead of just playing on my phone like everyone else.  Yes, that is against the rules, and no, those who do it aren't being as slick as they think they are.  The bosses know.  Trust me, they know. 

Be that as it may, this is one of those days when long, eloquent blog posts escape me.  So, I'll just tell you one little story, then let you go.

I got to work bright and early this morning.  I went into the break room and filled my cooler with ice.  I clocked in, and went to my work area.  I pulled my car keys out of my pocket to put into my bag,  followed by my house k...wait, where are my house keys

Oh, no!  I must have dropped them in the parking lot!  No, I would have heard them clink.  Maybe I dropped them in the car port.  No, I would have heard them clink there, too.  Where are they????? 

I mean, I have spare keys, so I can get into my house, but what if someone finds my keys?  Not that I have much worth stealing, but still...And I have good neighbors who will keep an eye on my house for me, but still...And the dogs are there, but still....

After a long, arduous, worry filled day, I came home and found my keys -- right where I had left them.

That being a clear sign that I don't get enough sleep, I'm going to bed.


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