Tuesday, May 24, 2016

My Flowers

What with all the knitting and baby dresses here lately, I've been remiss in showing you my flowers.  I realized it's been a while, so here I am to rectify that post haste.

First up, a gardenia bud:

I can't wait for them to bloom.  I love the smell of gardenias.

My little flower bed is really coming on.

I'm really liking these angelonias.  I wonder that I didn't buy them before.  I think they'll be a regular addition to my annual bed from now on.

Vinca bloom.  I'm iffy about these.  I kind of like them, but kind of don't.  Eh, that's why I deal in annuals.  I'm not locked in to a long term commitment.  If I don't like something, then I can get something else next year.

Another reason I deal in annuals:

It appears one of my dianthus has died.  The others seem to be hanging in there, though only one still has blooms.

If they come back next year, good.  If they don't, I won't cry too much over them.

My roses, on the other hand, are doing very well.

I need to get out and deadhead them.  Maybe this weekend I can get out and do that.

Look at this:

This is one of the clearance marigolds.  I thought it was going to die.  Seriously, it was down to a leaf and a half.  See those little white things?  That's slug killer.  Since I started putting it down, this little plant has rebounded in a big way.  I think it a couple more weeks, it'll be blooming like the others.

Finally, I can't remember if I showed you the thrift shop pitcher after I planted an impatiens in it, so here it is:

And that's about it for today.

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