Wednesday, April 19, 2023

Woo Hoo!

I did it.  I returned my foraging book, and the way that happened is as follows.  

I was looking through said book last night, but was still unable to make up my mind as to whether to keep it or not.  I mean, it's got good information, but it really wasn't what I was looking for. Then, this morning when I woke up, I said to myself, "Self, if you're still hemming and hawing over that book after all this time, you don't really want it."  And I didn't, I guess.  I mean, the other book I'd bought at the same time, I knew as soon as I thumbed through it that I wanted to keep it, and have never wavered in that conviction.  With this one...not so much. 

Once I'd made up my mind, I started the return process on my phone, and right after work, ran into town and dropped it off at the UPS store.  Then I ran in to Walmart for something pretty exciting.  Well, exciting to me, I suppose.  

I'd known almost from the day I moved in to this house that my shower head would need replacing sooner rather than later.  It was obviously old, and appeared to have already been repaired at least once.  It was one of those hand held things, but I didn't think to take a before photo.  I'm sure you know what I'm talking about.  

Anyway, I'd known it would eventually need replacing, and I'd even looked at some when I was in the store in the days of yore.  I'd just never gone through with buying one.  As it happens, I noticed a few days ago the part where the hose connects to the head had started to drip.  Still, the drip wasn't that bad until last night, when I guess it finally rusted through completely.  I was trying to take a shower, only there was more water coming out of the hose than the actual shower head.  I knew then I couldn't procrastinate any longer.  

I briefly thought about just taking tub baths until my regular shopping day on Friday, but since I had to return that book anyway, and the UPS store is just down the road from Walmart, I went on and bought a new shower head this afternoon. 

However, instead of a hand held shower head, I got this:

Kindly ignore my un-scrubbed grout.  That's the one chore I hate even worse than scooping the litter pan.  Which also needs to be done.  But I digress...

I also got a new shower arm to replace this old one, 

but when I started trying to take the old one off, I saw that the previous owners had really mucked things up when they installed it.  Seriously, it looks like they spread a layer of mortar or something over the entire connection.  I'm going to wait until the weekend to dig into all that when I have more time.  I've also put my plumber on speed dial, just in case I have to holler for help.    

Now, if you'll excuse me, I think I'll go try out that new shower head.  I'm so excited!

It's the little things...

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