Sunday, April 09, 2023

What On Earth?

 What on earth is that?  

You see it up there?  That blue stuff?  What is that?

The sky?   No, skies are supposed to be gray, with water falling everywhere.  Just kidding!  No really, I'm only half joking.  It's rained so much these last two weeks I'd almost forgotten what a blue sky looks like.  The ground is so saturated, the water won't even soak in any more.  It just sits there, turning stagnant and growing mosquitoes.

But, according to the forecast, we aren't supposed to get any more rain until Thursday, so maybe my yard will finally dry out enough that I can mow.  It badly needs it.  I'm not overly concerned about mowing down my edible weeds, because... well, they're weeds.  They'll grow back.  Indeed, I can't seem to get rid of them no matter how hard I try.  Scott's Turf Builder Weed & Feed every six months has had absolutely no effect on them, so I figure I might as well put them to use.  And what with the economy the way it is, I'll take all the free food I can get.  

Speaking of, I found a recipe on line for dandelion jelly, so I've started picking dandelion flowers for that.  That may just be what everyone gets for Christmas this year.  I also wanted to make some violet syrup, but I think I waited too late in the year to start picking violets, as the blooms are starting to get a bit thin.  As in, not many left.  I may have to store what I have and collect more next spring.  I'll have to research the best way to do that.  Right now, I've got them in a Ziploc bag in the freezer.  That ought to keep them for now at least. 

I've also found a couple of recipes to make jelly out of all the clover I've got growing in my yard.  It's all white clover, but I want some red clover as well.  There's plenty of that growing up by the interstate, but I can't very well go and just pick that, now can I?  

FYI, if you see a shadowy figure plucking red clover, I was never there...

By the way, I finally figured out how to use Google Lens, which has helped me identify some of the stuff growing in my yard.  I want to make absolutely sure of what I'm putting into my mouth, lest I accidentally poison myself.  We don't want that...

In knitting news, I finished the hat I've been working on, and cast on another, but haven't taken a photo of that one yet. 

Sharp eyed readers might notice I've got the aforementioned hat in a different chair for this photo.  That's because the cat wouldn't get out of the one I normally use.   I said, "Fine!  I'll just put it on top of you!" 

But she didn't like that and began clawing at the hat.  Nope, I've worked too hard on that hat to allow you to snag it all up with your stupid claws!  So, to another chair we went.  That'll show her. 

Since it is mid April now, and all the meteorologists agree that there will be no more frosts until Autumn, I took a chance and moved my indoor plants outdoors. 

I lost one of my Whatever cacti.  I don't know what went wrong.  It was growing just fine, then all of the sudden, it wilted and died.  Bummer, as it was the one with the pale yellowish blooms that I took from one James had.  

One I'd gotten all the plants back outside, I moved the cat's steps back in front of the door, so she can lay there and look out the window. 

I guess that's about all I have for today, so for the three of you who still read my drivel, I hope you had a very happy and blessed Easter.

1 comment:

Amnicon Studio said...

That was awfully nice of you to set that up for the cat!

Hope you had a lovely Easter.