Tuesday, April 04, 2023

I Broke Down

I broke down and turned my air conditioner on when I got home this afternoon.  It wasn't even that hot in the house, but it's been so muggy what with all the rain we've had recently.   You want to know where it has been hot?  

My work area.  

That's part of why I turned on my a/c at home.  I have to be hot at work.  I'm not going to be hot at home. 

Speaking of rain, that last round of storms -- you know, the one that caught me by surprise -- did a number on Marty Mac.  I'd had him out on the front porch, but I guess he was too close to the eave, and the driving rain washed a lot of his soil out of the pot.  One of the first things I did today was to get out and essentially re-pot him. 

I lifted him up to the top of the pot, and replaced the washed away soil, then trimmed the dead and dying traps off.  He looks much better now.  He looks way better than he did when I first got him, just over a year ago.  By the way, it's perfectly normal for traps to die off after a while, and new traps grow in to replace the dead ones, so that's nothing to worry about.

OK, remember back a few weeks ago when I cut my contributions to my 401(k) back and I said I'd start getting emails nagging me that I wasn't saving enough?  Yep, I called that one.  The very first paycheck after the change showed up, I got one.  You aren't saving enough.  Your mix isn't aggressive enough...

Yes, I know that, but I can't worry about retirement if I can't keep the lights on now!  But I probably will raise my contribution amount a bit anyway, since we're getting this little bit of overtime.  I'm also still debating on cutting off my internet.  I'm thinking I may put it in vacation mode for a month, just to see if I can get by without it.  I mean, I'll still have my phone data and hot spot, so I won't be completely cut off.  I think my dependence is more psychological than anything at this point.  

On a related note, did you know all that ground ivy I've been trying to kill for years is edible?  

I do now.  The ground ivy, the cannas, even the day lilies.  All this stuff I've been trying so hard to kill is all edible.  I have a veritable supermarket right there in my back yard.  I've still got a few more plants I need to positively identify before I start chowing down, but I'm well on my way to being able to forage for food.  Which reminds me, I need to get out and pick some violets before they stop flowering.   And I want to move some from the big patch out by my utility pole into the back yard, and try to get my stuff a bit more organized.  

All of this almost makes me not want to mow.  Not that I can anyway.  I went out and checked my front yard and it's still way too muddy, and we've got more rain on the way.   Sometime, I've got to get someone to bring some dirt and fill in the low spots in my front yard, but that's money I can't afford to spend right now.  

1 comment:

Amnicon Studio said...

Today was the first day I opened all the windows and left them open for more than a short bit of time.

My hubby often talks about cutting internet. we still have the boy at home, though, so he'd *die* without internet. Truthfully, we'd be lost without the entertainment factor. We stream so many shows now.

And my Furby would be lost without her shows.