Saturday, April 01, 2023

Made It

 Well, I made it through another storm safely, even though quite a few tornadoes went whistling all around me. None were as close as last week, so that is good, but there were still plenty of them out there.   It got really rough up North, but the worst we got here were a few brief thunderstorms, despite the apocalyptic predictions.

The downside is, I left the bedroom door open, just in case I had to dash into my safe place -- one less obstacle, you know --  and the cat was in and out all night.  It wouldn't be so bad if she just slept in the bed with me, but she has an unhealthy obsession with my nightstand.  Specifically, knocking my phone off the charger.  As a result, I didn't get much sleep at all.  

I'd intended to mow today, and my yard needs it badly, too.  I got a new book yesterday, this one written by the Department Of The Army.

I'm not quite sure why I'm so stuck on this, but here we are.  What's so funny about this one is how many people on Amazon gave it one star reviews because they'd wanted it to cover more edible plants in other countries.  A book written by the U.S. department of the army, and they wanted it to cover plants in the U.K.?  Right...

I'd planned on getting out with it and listing all the forage able plants in my yard and marking them before I mowed, and I wanted to move some of my violets to a more favorable spot, but the cat and her insistence on clambering onto my nightstand resulted in me not doing much other than watching TV and knitting.  

Speaking of knitting, I finally finished this hat, which had been languishing on the needles for quite some time, now.  

I mean, as far as hats go that is. I've got another hat I need to finish as well, but I've become hooked on these little headbands.  Yep, I cast on another one. 

It's the same yarn as I knit the last one with:  Red Heart Super Saver in Orchid colorway.  It's very soft, which is something I've noticed about Red Heart.  Some colors are super soft.  Others feel a bit like bailing wire.  This just happens to be one of the good ones. 

1 comment:

Amnicon Studio said...

I had to add that book to my list. My brother-in-law may be getting it for his birthday.