Tuesday, April 18, 2023

Almost Late Again

I was almost late to work again today, but not because I wasn't watching the clock this time.  See, I'd bought some sausage, egg, and cheese biscuits to eat for breakfast.  I thought that if I had some fuel in my body, I'd feel a bit better in the morning time, instead of being so run down and draggy feeling. 

Yesterday, I completely forgot about them, but this morning, I was on my game.  About 3 minutes before time to go, I got a frozen biscuit out and put it into the microwave....then left for work.  With my biscuit still in the microwave. 

I got half way there, when I remembered.  I started to keep on going, but then thought, "By golly, I'm going back home to get that biscuit!"  And that's exactly what I did.  In the interest of full disclosure, I only live 5 minutes from the plant, so it wasn't that big of a deal to go back home.  

Anyway, I ran back to the house, tripped over the cat, grabbed my biscuit from the microwave and headed back to work -- where I surreptitiously ate said biscuit and went on about my day.  

Funny thing about work, we've all been saying it, so it's not just me.  I feel more tired working 8 hours than I did working 10.  I don't know why.  As the day went on, I began feeling worse and worse, so much so I worried I was getting sick.  I kept feeling my face to see if I had fever, but no.  I was fine temperature wise.  Suddenly, about 30 minutes ago, it hit me. 

I did the ol' forehead smack and said, "You are such a doofus!"  And what doofusy thing did I do this time?    

I had a sausage, egg, and cheese biscuit for breakfast.  A sausage, egg, and cheese biscuit.  I'd been in the throes of an allergic reaction all day.  Sigh...I guess it's back to cereal bars for me, at least on work days.  I'll save the biscuits for my days off, when I can sit huddled in the recliner until the reaction wears off. 

By the way, for my coworkers who may not have heard yet, Miss Anne -- the little crooked lady who worked on the Feldman -- passed away this morning.  She was always so nice.  I was just thinking about her a few days ago, wondering how she was doing.  

The good news is, you don't have to hear anything about foraging today.  Because I thought I was getting sick, I didn't do anything but finish this hat.

This one is going into the charity drawer, to be sent to the Seaman's Church Ministry.  I need to look at that site and see when I'll need to ship the hats by -- I mean so they'll be in time for this Christmas.  They accept them all year round, but I want to see how long I can put it off so I can get as many hats done as possible. 

And finally, one benefit of using an HDMI cable to connect my TV to my computer:  fewer ads on YouTube!  On the apps, the ads really work you over, but on the website, not so much.  So there is that. 

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