Sunday, April 23, 2023

Lazy Sunday

 Man, let me tell you, after a week of tossing and turning and sleeping fitfully, I slept good last night.  And it was wonderful!

I wish I knew what I did, because I'd for sure do it every night.  It might have helped that it got cold again -- down into the mid 40s.  It would have been a good morning for a fire, if only my firewood guy hadn't ghosted me. 

Seriously, I don't know what I'm doing wrong.  I'm not trying to stalk him or anything.  I just want some firewood.  I'm sure it's me, too, because this has happened way too often with contractors, plumbers, lawn care people, other firewood guys...even the guy who was supposed to fix the ruts in my front yard caused by a school bus (?).  He said he'd come fix them.  He just never showed up.  

All that to say, I had no firewood, so I had no fire.  I supposed I could have scraped up enough twigs and stuff to have a small fire, I just didn't feel like going through all that.  

Well, now we come to that part of a Sunday afternoon where I wonder where in the heck my weekend went, and what did I even do?  Did I get anything accomplished?  Fortunately, this time, I can say, yes I did.  I finished a hat, 

then I cast on another one. 

For this one, I decided to use up a partial ball of yarn I had originally put into the donation bag.  I knew it wouldn't be enough for a whole hat, but I plan on joining the skein when I get to the end.   Heh, now that I'm knitting for my Seaman's Church Ministry instead of selfish coworkers, I'm actually enjoying it again.  

The only downside is that the Crestor I'm taking makes me get sore so much more easily than I used to.  My follow up doctor appointment is Tuesday, and I'm definitely going to bring it up to him and see what he thinks, and if there is something he can do about it -- maybe lower my dose or something.  I don't know.  I'll have to see what he says. 

I think after my appointment, I might run by Walmart and pick up some plants to put into the skinny little flower bed right in front of my porch, and maybe some vincas for the big bed.  Speaking of, I suppose my big accomplishment of the weekend was to get my back yard mowed.  Woo Hoo!

It was a lot of work, but I managed to skirt the bigger of my patches of clover and two big patches of fleabane daisy -- for the bees and butterflies, you know.  

I also left my patch of yellow flowers, though I didn't get a photo.  I thought I did, but apparently not.  Honestly, I wouldn't mind if those things took over my whole back yard, I love them so much.  

By the way, I think I figured out what this thing is.  

I think it might be a species of millet or something that was in the bags of birdseed I buy.  I found a whole bunch more over by the fence, near where the bird feeder used to be.  Some of them even had grain heads developing, but I was merciless and mowed them down anyway.  All but that one above, which is near my shed.  

Oh, and look at this!  My mock strawberries are making fruit!

I mean, they always had, but I'd just assumed they were ornamental, like the ornamental peppers my grandma used to plant in her flower beds.   I ate one of them, and it wasn't bad, but it wasn't great, either.  I also tasted a bit of my dollar weed, and it was pretty good.  It tasted like something I'd put into a salad, whereas the ground ivy is way too strong to eat plain like that.  And I pulled up some good sized wild onions that I'm going to chop up and put into some chicken salad that I will probably make tomorrow afternoon after work. 

I may even boil down the chicken carcass and add some ground ivy to give it some flavor.  We'll see. 

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