Monday, April 03, 2023

I Must Have Been Tired

 Apparently, we had another round of thunderstorms roll through last night -- complete with a power outage and all -- and I completely slept through it all.  I woke up this morning, and saw all the weather alert notifications on my phone, and was like, "Wut?"  Then I went into the kitchen and saw the clocks on my microwave and stove blinking, and I was like, "WUT????"  Then I got ready and left for work and saw my entire front yard completely flooded and I was like, "WUT????"  

I must have been really tired to have slept through all that -- which just goes to show how important a good NOAA radio is. Which I have one, only it never went off.  I guess we were never under any sort of warning.  So, that's good. 

By the way, I've been reading through my books on edible plants.  Did you know you can eat Canna lilies?  I had no idea, and I just gave away hundreds of bulbs I could have boiled and eaten.  I do have a couple left that I can replant and propagate, just somewhere other than right beside my shed.  Plus, my neighbor's cannas keep creeping into my yard.  I can always dig up those and eat them.  

But enough of that...yesterday I finished my other headband, and wonder of wonders, got the buttons and ends woven in on both of them.

Then I picked this hat back up.  

Once I get done with this one, I'm going to have to get back to knitting for my Seaman's Church Ministry.  I mean, that's what I want to be doing anyway, not knitting for a bunch of coworkers who didn't have two words to say to me until they thought they'd get something from me.  

Speaking of coworkers, Gung Ho came out today and got some more jigs to repair.  While he was in the department, I told him that I knew he had other stuff going on right now, but when he could get around to it, we're desperate for rack space.  For our brazing jigs, I mean.  He said that's something he's working on, but then he said, "Can I ask you something?"  

Then he wanted to ask something else, then he had one more question...all this time, I was saying, "It's almost time to go.  It's almost quitting time.  I need to go clean up," etc. 

Finally, about 10 minutes after the end of shift buzzer went off and everyone else had gone for the day and he was still trying to ask questions, I told him, "You can come back and talk to me tomorrow.  I've got to go!"  

Looks like I gave him the right nickname.  He was telling me that if he were in charge, things would be a lot different, and he's about to make a lot of changes out there.  But he'll find out.  It won't be as easy to change things out there as he seems to think.  Sure, it's easy to tell tubing they have to do the parts correctly.  It's a lit less easy to actually make them do it...all day...every day...

It's going to be fun watching him crash and burn.  


1 comment:

Amnicon Studio said...

Heh ... idealistic people are kind of funny. Don't they know they can't change the system? Bless them.