Saturday, February 27, 2021

Tuckered On Day Five

 I'm what you call tuckered.

These last 8 days have made for one long work week, but at last it's over and I have a day off tomorrow.  I was talking to one of my coworkers and I said I hadn't signed up to work this Sunday.  She replied, "It doesn't start until next Sunday."  Um, good thing I didn't try to sign up!

I blame sleep deprivation. 

Oh, and by the way, I called it.  Remember when they kept shutting down tubing and sub-brazing and sending all of us to the back because they needed people on the line?  What did I say?  Do you remember?

I said, "You watch, in a couple of weeks, they'll be up here wanting to know why they don't have headers, but they aren't getting sympathy from me."  Well, guess what happened today?

If you said the supervisors were up in sub brazing wanting to know why they don't have headers, give yourself a cookie.  I mean, what did they think would happen?  

Anyway, I've got Sunday off, and maybe things will get back to normal soon.  Schedule wise, I mean.  Not much is normal out at my place of employment.  

OK, moving right along...I showed you a photo of my sock yarn blanket a few days ago, but did you know I have two?  Yep, I started one that is supposed to be for my sister.  At the rate it's going, she may be in the nursing home before she gets it, but here, for your viewing pleasure, is a photo of her blanket. 

One of these days, both blankets will be finished, and then we will have a great celebration.  Oh, by the way, I do have a third blanket out there somewhere....But right now, I don't know where it is.  

And finally, it's Day Five Of The Siege.  

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