Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Snow Day Part 3

 And yes, I already know there will be a snow day part 4.  The Boss Who  Must Not Be Named posted this on his timeline this morning:  

The way it's coming down out there right now, I wouldn't be surprised if we got Friday off as well.  The ice is starting to build up a bit, and I've got icicles forming on my eaves.  Buuut, it's supposed to get up to 34' tomorrow, so we shall see.  It will all depend on the road conditions.  As much as I've enjoyed this unexpected vacation, I'm not going to enjoy the paycheck that accompanies it.  Thank goodness for savings accounts, is all I've got to say. 

Anyway, as I said, it's snow day part three...with no snow.  Yep, all of that is still sleet. 

We got a little bitty bit of snow, but it didn't last long.  I put out my bowls anyway to catch some of it.  I'm wondering if anyone has ever tried to make sleet ice cream, because it looks like that's what I'm going to have to do.  

I was trying to hold off building a fire today, because of my wood being green and all, but I got tired of being cold.  I went out and split down one of the huge chunks of old wood I have and put it into my stove.  It was enough to last through the day.  

Then I took some of the green wood those people tried to pass off as seasoned and dried it in my oven.  Yes, I did research how to do that.  I didn't just chunk a chunk of wood into the oven and hope for the best.  I'll let you know tomorrow how well it works.  

By the way, if you have not watched A Map Of Tiny Perfect Things on Prime, go watch it.  You will not regret it.  I was pleasantly surprised, as most new movies seem to be little more than an attempt to see how much obscene language they can cram into a two hour period.  This one wasn't.  It actually had a story line, and only a couple of curse words.  

Here's a happy coincidence.  Look at what my sight reading exercise for this week is titled:

Fitting, don't you think?  

Naturally, along with all this sleeting and movie watching, there has been knitting.  I've put a few more squares into blanket #2.

I added a few rounds to this sock.  

And I spent a good deal of time trying to find a pattern for this yarn. 

Unsuccessfully, I might add.  I want to do a scarf with it.  It's single ply, so I don't think it would hold up as socks.  I have a pattern I made up a long time ago that I think might be a good one.  I just need to go find it.  Which I will do.  As soon as I've posted this.

Finally, a bit of bad news.  Cody lost his job.  He was working for a logistics company, and they have a mandatory sales quota that all employees have to meet, and he didn't.  He's updated his resume on Indeed, so let's hope he finds something soon.

On the bright side, he gets to enjoy the snow.  

Because they're getting real snow up in Memphis.  

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