Thursday, February 18, 2021

Snow Day Part....What Day Is It Anyway?

This week has kind of felt like the week between Christmas and New Year's Day.  I have no idea what day it is, or why I'm here.  I'm fat, lazy, and eating the last of my stash of Christmas candy.  Heck, I even dug out my Christmas music books and have been playing Christmas songs on the piano.  The biggest difference is that I'm not getting paid for this week...Oh, well, can't win them all.  

We're going to have tomorrow off as well, as it's still not supposed to get above freezing today, and the roads will still be pretty icy.  As it stands now, the plant is opening back up Saturday, but I'll wager about half the employees won't show up.  I do know one thing, though.   I'm getting mighty tired of being a part of these major historical events.

Here's a bit of good news: my deer showed up looking for something to eat.  

I hadn't seen them in several days, since before the cold and sleet started.  I was poking up my fire, and just happened to look out the French doors and saw about 6 of them out there.  I hurried out and threw some corn over the back fence for them -- which naturally scared them off -- but they came back after a few minutes.  Heh, I haven't been able to fill the squirrel feeder, because the gate in the back fence is frozen shut, so I've just been tossing their corn over the back fence.  They haven't complained.  

The bad news is, I'm now completely out of corn, and almost out of bird seed.  I'll run in Saturday after work and get some more, provided the roads are clear by then.  They should be, because it's supposed to get up to 45' and be sunny all day. 

For now, I found a canister of steel cut oats I'd bought years ago -- before I even moved into this house, that's how long ago it was.  I'd bought them because steel cut was all the rage at the time, but I didn't like them.  They tasted OK, but I didn't like the texture.  It just doesn't seem right to be eating crunchy oatmeal.  Anyway, I kept telling myself I needed to eat them up, but I never did.  I tossed them out for the birds to eat, so I'll have a little bit of bird seed to scatter tomorrow at least. 

Oh, I'm sure you will all be pleased to know my experiment with drying firewood in the oven worked a treat.  I put some into the wood stove this morning, and they lit right up.  No smoking, no sizzling.  Just a clean, hot fire. I wouldn't recommending drying a whole cord this way, though, but it'll get you out of a bind if need be.  

One thing this storm has done is it's really made me miss my DSLR camera.  I was walking around trying to take artsy fartsy photos of the ice with my point-and-shoot and my phone, and they just weren't getting the job done to my satisfaction.  I'm not going to post them all here, but I will show you this one I took of icicles on my house.   

And lastly, I found that knitting pattern I was looking for, and cast on a scarf.  It took two or three tries to get the kinks worked out, but I think it's going to be fine.  

This is after two repeats, and I'm sure the pattern will show up better once I get farther along.  

I'll be sure to keep you posted. 

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