Friday, February 19, 2021

Back To Work Tomorrow

 Well, it's back to work tomorrow...maybe.  

It got up above freezing today, for the first time since Sunday.  

But, it wasn't enough to completely melt the sleet and ice on my road.  

I mean, it melted some, and got really slushy, but it's supposed to get back down into the teens tonight.  It'll be a solid sheet of ice in the morning.  I'm debating on whether to even try to drive down it. I'm sure the roads in town are fine, but those of us in the county aren't so lucky.   I know several coworkers have already said they're not going to be there, point or no point.  I'm not worried about getting a point.  I'm more concerned about being able to pay my bills.  We've already missed 4 days pay.  I don't know if I can afford to miss too much more.  

I think if I can get up this slight incline, I ought to be able to get out just fine: 

I know it doesn't look like much, but it doesn't really take much to get stuck.  I'll just have to see how slick it is in the morning, then make the call.  If I can make it to the highway, I should be good from there on in to the plant.  They've changed our work hours so that we go in at 8:00 in the morning, so at least the sun will be up.  It won't be warm enough that any of this has begun to thaw, though.  I went out this afternoon and turned my car around, so that if I do go to work, I won't have to try to back out onto that icy road.  

Tomorrow it's supposed to get into the upper 40s, so we ought to be good for Sunday, and on into next week.

By the way, I did try to make snow ice cream with sleet.  It didn't work out so well.  It just tasted like sweetened milk with little crunchy bits in it.  Not very appetizing.  At all. 

In other news, I've sort of hit a slump with my piano playing.  I'm still practicing every day, but I'm having to make myself.  I suppose it's normal with anything to go through these ups and downs.  So, to try to reignite the passion, I'm listening to the guys who inspired me to start playing in the first place.  That would be The Piano Guys.  

Although their Fight Song is my favorite, it was actually this one that caused me to do more than just wish I could play.  

I really need to look  on their website and see if they have any arrangements for beginners... 


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