Monday, February 17, 2020

Where Does He Think He Works?

When we get our new boss, the first thing we're going to do is beg him to put us back onto 8 hour shifts.  The second thing is to buy us some soap dispensers and toilet paper holders for the bath room.

But the main thing is the 8 hour shifts.  I don't know how people with small children do it.  I only have myself and the dogs, and I'm slap worn out.

However, I am not so worn out I didn't notice this.  It's a white board back by what used to be the shipping office.  They took it off the wall and have leaned it up against  I don't know who wrote this, but sometimes I wonder just where exactly does he think he works?

Yeah, I'm going to drive a huge fork truck through a tight space crowded with lots of people, any one of whom I could squish and kill without warning and you want me to have fun?  You keep using that word.  I do not think it means what you think it means.

As if that weren't enough, he added a "fun fact!"

Dude, if you're trying to raise morale, you're going about it the wrong way.

Here's a hint:  see the first paragraph above.  You know, the one about not driving your employees to exhaustion.

Oh, and having soap and toilet paper helps too.

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