Thursday, February 20, 2020

Hands Full

If that new boss is going to do something about the high turnover rate, he's going to have his hands full, I'm telling ya.  I think the current management stays up late at night to figure out how they can make our work lives as miserable as possible.

I can hear them now, "OK, this makes the most sense, so let's do just the opposite." 

See, last fall they put these cages up around the doors.

Why?  I'm guessing it's to make the plant feel as prison-like as possible.  They also put up surveillance cameras all over the place -- to complete the prison like atmosphere.  And if we don't like it, we can just quit.  They've got a list a mile long of people waiting to get on out there, so they don't need us.  Seriously.  They said that. 

Back to the cages....

Oh, I'm sure such things work fine for companies with 50-75 employees, but when you're trying to get 300-500 people out the door, nope.  It takes FOR. EV. ER. just to get out of the building. 

Plus, half the time, they don't work the way they are supposed to.  What is supposed to happen is, you scan your employee I.D. and it unlocks the turnstile.  What really happens is, you scan your employee I.D. and it may unlock the turnstile.  Or it may not.  You never know.  It seems to pick a few people at random every day to keep locked in.

When it picks you, you have to stretch your arm through the bars and scan the pad on the opposite side of the cage, then scan the one on your side and hope it works that time.  Sometimes it does.  Sometimes it doesn't.  Sometimes you just have to blow out through the emergency exit. 

Those in thee upper management don't seem to concern themselves with solving this issue, either, just like any other issue.  They just don't care.   THEY can get out their doors just fine, so everything is just peachy dandy, right?

As if the troubles mentioned above weren't enough, today they decided we could only use TWO of the four turnstiles to exit the plant.  They want to leave the other two available for the three, yes three, count 'em three employees who might want to enter early and sit in the break room for a while before their shift starts.  They aren't even allowed to clock in that early, but we gotta let them in.  That's the stupidest thing I ever heard!  They even had HR people out there guarding the turnstiles to make sure we didn't go out them. 

When I was in the Navy, we had a word for that.  An unwholesome word.  A very unwholesome word.  Which I can neither confirm nor deny may or may not have been uttered...let's just say, I had to do a lot of repenting on the way home. 

If that new boss wants to know why his turnover rate is so high, this is a perfect example.  It's because of stupid, idiotic, moronic nonsense like this.

Anybody know of any job openings out there?  I'm about fed up with the one I've got. 

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