Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Ooo Da Lolly

I'm telling ya, today was one of those golly what a day days.

It all started almost as soon as I walked in the door.  First thing that happened is I found out we're getting a new supervisor.  He's not new to the plant.  He's been a group leader for a long time, and and employee for even longer, but he's just got promoted to supervisor.  He takes over the department Monday.  We had finally gotten a good supervisor once again, too.

I told my friend, "Dang it!  Every time things start looking up, they have to go and mess stuff up."

The good thing about getting this new supervisor is that he and Stalker don't get along.  I think I'll bring a popcorn machine to work and make a little money on the side.

After getting that news, I printed out a daily schedule and set up on my first order for the day.  Aaand one of the adapter tubes was bent wrong -- all 216 of them.  I put them in a box, and took them over to Group Leader Shark.  I put the box on her desk and said, "I'm just going to leave this right here, and I'm going to walk away without saying a word."

She got those parts re-cut and I continued setting up on the order.  That's when I noticed a different adapter tube had been pinched by the clamp in the bending machine.  I took a couple over to Group Leader Shark to ask if they would be OK or not -- sometimes they approve the parts, depending on how badly the copper is pinched.

I handed her the parts, she looked at them for a moment and said, "Jesus, take the wheel."  And that' my friend, sums up the whole day in an nutshell.

She got those parts re-cut, and as soon as I got back to my stand, here comes one of the assembly line group leaders with a header.  "Does that header look wrong to you?" he asked.  "It's not fitting onto the coil."

I looked at it and said, "All the adapter tubes are in the right place."  It looked to me like someone had yanked on all the adapter tubes and bent them out of shape.  I got the jig and straightened out the legs, and gave it back to him.  On the way back to his line, he said something to the person who had brazed that order.  I don't know what he said, but Stalker went back there and got into it with him.

He said, "You don't come up here and talk that way to my brazers."

What the? -

MY brazers?  MY brazers??? 

Things are going to get very interesting out there come Monday...and that's all I have to say about that. 

All this, and it wasn't even 7:00 AM. 

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