Wednesday, February 19, 2020

New Boss

We got our new boss out at the plant today.  I was kind of surprised they found one so quickly, as in the past it has taken several months sometimes.  Anyway, he had brief meetings with each department to introduce himself.  The first thing I noticed was that he stood at the door and shook hands with each employee as he entered the room.  It's been ages since we've had a boss who seemed to want to connect with his employees like that.

In the meeting, he told us a little bit about himself.  He's from Indiana and went to Ball State University.   He mentioned a few places he's worked before, but I can't remember any of them right off the top of my head.  The only thing he didn't tell us was his name. 

One thing he mentioned is that he was very concerned about the turnover rate among full time employees.  Not the temps, now.  They come and go every few months.  This is the full time, permanent employees.  He mentioned that when a company has a 7% turnover rate, that company gets very nervous.  Ours is 20%, and he wants to figure out why.  Hmmmm

Horrible and unsafe working conditions, high stress, rampant favoritism, long hours, and low pay, coupled with a general attitude of contempt towards shop floor shouldn't take a genius to connect those dots. 

We'll see how things work out.  I'm guessing he won't last long.  Everyone who comes in trying to make things better for the employees gets fired pretty quickly. 

In piano news, I'm almost finished with my first book of my Alfred's piano course. 

Yesterday evening, I began to wonder if I'd moved through the course too quickly.  Was I really building the skills I needed to play successfully?  What about theory?  Was I learning enough? 

Naturally, I did the only thing I could think of.  I went back to the beginning and started over. 

Not really, though.  I'm just going through and playing through all the songs.  It brought a freshness to my practice that had been lacking, and I played for almost an hour past my bed time.  I also discovered that the songs that gave me fits before are still giving me fits.

Even so, they're a lot easier this time around. 

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