Sunday, February 23, 2020

Rewarding Myself

But first, a bit of good news.  Apparently, the plant decided to scrap that idiotic idea of only allowing us to use two turnstiles to exit the building, because no one was out there guarding them.  So, that's one small victory.

Other than that, it was a rough week.  I really rough week.  Second shift tubing has been undermanned for quite some time already, then I heard they went and fired three people last week.  I don't know why, but that has put them into a serious bind -- which puts all of us into a serious bind.

And of course, nobody comes over there and asks, "Why is there nothing ready for the brazers?"  No... they're all up in our grills screaming, "WHY DON'T YOU HAVE ANY HEADERS READY FOR THE LINES????"

I'm telling you, when we got there Friday, there was nothing on the lines, and nothing ready for us to ever start on.  We've taken to calling my stalker The Warden, because he patrols the brazing department like a prison warden guarding a chain gang.  He was over there saying something to Group Leader Shark.  I wish I knew what he'd said, but she had a look of pure disgust on her face, and was saying, "But it's not the brazers' fault!"  We're doing the best we can, but all we can do is all we can do.

One of my coworkers said she was going to reward herself for surviving the week by buying some muffins from Wal-Mart.  The expensive ones.

Me, I buy books.

I haven't started reading it yet, though.  One of my friends suggested I read The Raven first.  Not the Poe poem.  The autobiography of Sam Houston.  I ordered it from a used book store, and am still waiting for it to arrive.   While I was on Amazon, I found a book about the Galveston hurricane called Isaac's Storm.  Which I had to buy as well. 

Now that I'm getting a little overtime, I've ordered the last three of the National Geographic Records I wanted.  The first two have arrived.

To be honest, I'm not that keen on jazz, but I wanted to have this one, just to have the complete collection.

As far as I know, these are the last three of the folk and Americana records.

I had a nice surprise when I got home yesterday.  My Whatever Cactus is blooming again!

More good news, I have finally finished that horrible scarf with that horrible yarn!

There are lots of things I didn't like about this yarn.  First of all, it's single ply and very loosely spun.  The plies kept untwisting.  Second, every color change left a gap along the edge.  You can kind of see one when the brown changes to blue on the left edge of the scarf.  I'm not sure what was causing it, because I knit every single row the same.  And third, there were knots.  It's probably a good thing this yarn was discontinued, because I sure wouldn't buy it again.

And lastly, today marks the anniversary of the beginning of the Siege of The Alamo.

We will remember.

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